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*NOTE: starting this chapter, everything will be kind of off-plot*


"Y/N-san! Thank you for always coming to support our business." Yacchan politely smiled at you. You just nodded. 

"Iie...No need to thank me, Yacchan! I love sweets, that's why!" You smiled back. 

You glanced around the shop but couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. Just then, two others people walked in. 

"Kaa-san, tadaima!" they called. 

"Okaeri." Yacchan greeted them. You bowed politely at them, and they bowed back. 

"Y/N-chan, did you come to purchase another sweet?" the woman smiled at you. You smiled back, "Hai. But I've got to go now. I have to go to the venue to finalize the planning." 

You quickly bowed again and dashed out. 

"She could be a great match for our Kaito, don't you think?" the woman leaned towards her husband. 

He chuckled, "I think that's up for them to decide, don't you think?" 


As you were walking to the building, you saw Kaito being pushed out by the guard, saying whatever he was doing was dangerous and disturbing. You shook your head and sighed. 

"Please, it's just what I do regularly," Kaito stated. 

"A No is a no. If you don't leave, I will have to call the police." the guard sternly stated. 

"But---" you immediately stepped in. 

"I apologize for my friend's action. We'll take our leave now. Sorry for causing any trouble." 

"But Y/N-san---" 

"Shhh..." you turned to him. 

"I'll make sure it won't happen again," you told them.

"Alright. Next time make sure to keep an eye on your boyfriend." the guard shook their head before leaving. 

"She's not my girlfriend---" Kaito stated, but the guard was already back to their post. 

He sighed and turned around to look at you but quickly avoided your threatening gaze. 

"Itaaaaaa," he yelled as you pinched his ear and dragged him to a nearby bench in the park. 

"Sit here," you demanded before dialing a number on your phone. 

You stepped aside and talked to someone as Kaito sighed and pouted. 

"People are not as adventurous as you, Kaito. If you keep on with your act, you'll be detained one day." you softly reminded him after you ended your call. 

"I know, I know," Katio replied. You sighed and took a seat next to him.

"Why don't you travel the world then and explore new areas? That should be enough to lighten up your adventurous spirit," you suggested. 

"But I must help Yacchan and my parents watch out for the shop. Besides---" Kaito sighed. You could see something was troubling him. 

"Is there something wrong?" you asked him. 

Kaito shook his head, "I'm not sure...but these days, I feel like something is off." he stated. 

"Off?" you asked. 

He nodded, "It's like something is missing...not something...someone...no...more like lots of people." he explained but struggled to clarify what he wanted to say. 

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