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Looking up at the sky, you could see grey clouds starting to gather. What is this ominous feeling? You wondered to yourself, looking at those clouds. It's been since your last confrontation with Kaito and his friends. You tried not to think too much about it. 

It also been a while since you last saw Stacey. You wondered what is he doing right now. I hope you are doing okay, over there, Stacey.

You found yourself hiking around to view the scenery. As if everything was going well, you heard a loud explosion. Curiosity within your nature, you ran to where the explosion happened. 

Tojitendo Soldiers! You stated in your mind. He was sniffing around and turned to your direction. You froze in place, unsure what to do. 

"Ahh...I found you." the monster evilly grinned. You eye-widened, unsure what to do. Your feet were somehow glued to the ground. 

The monster stepped forward as you tried to step back. 

"Relax, little girl. I'm just doing it by order." Getting on his gun and shoot a beam at you. 

BY order? What does he me---you started to feel sleepy. Before you know it, you fell down unconscious. 

The monster was about to step closer but Kaito arrived just in time. 

"Get away from her, you Tojitendo army!" Gaon shouted. 

"Y/N-chan!!" Magine panicked, seeing you lying there. 

"Well...nice to meet you, Zenkaiger." the monster stated. 

"What did you do to her?" Kaito demanded to know. 

"Just something, I'll do to everyone right now." the monster laughed, as he shoot the beam up to the sky, and it began to spread. 

The group looked up in worry. 

"Stop that!" Kaito demanded, shooting at the monster, but he skillfully dodged it. The monster jumped far away to keep his distance before grinning. 

"Let's play a game of hide and seek, shall we?" the monster suggested. 

"Why would we play with you!" Vroom stated. 

"If you don't, that little friend of yours and others people will never wake up." the monster threatened. 

"what do you mean by never wake up?" Jyuran demanded to know. 

"I meant what I said. Before sunset, you must try to find me. If you fail, your friend and those pesky little humans will be forever asleep." the monster smirked and quickly deflected the bullet that Kaito shot. 

"As if we let you!" Kaito shouted and dashed forwards, followed by Gaon and Jyuran.

"Try to find me then." the monster clicked his tongue and disappeared in thin air.

"Matte!" they shouted, but the monster was already gone. 

"Kuso." Kaito cursed. 

"Secchan, could you try to locate the monster?" Kaito communicated to the robot bird-like always. 

"I'm on it!" Secchan responded and quickly flapped it wing and clicked the keyboard. 

"Arigato." Kaito thanked the bird before walking towards you, who were lying unconscious on Magine's arm. 

"Kaito-kun, what should we do?" Magine asked worriedly. 

"Should we bring her back? or to the hospital?" Vroom questioned. 

"Let bring her back, we could guard her there." Kaito stated. The other nodded along. The gang brought you back to the sweet shop and placed you in Magine's room. 

"Why would the monster target Y/N-chan?" Magine stated, looking at you worriedly. 

"Was it because of her connection to Stacey?" Jyuran suggested. 

"Eh?" the other looked at Jyuran. 

"Masakaaaa...." Kaito tried to deny it, but he couldn't help having his own suspicion too. 

"Then, does Stacey knows about it then?" Gaon asked. 

"Probably yes/not!" Jyuran and Kaito answered at the same time. 

"Yah!" they both looked at each other. 

"Jyuran, did you forget how Stacey tried to help us in order to save Yacchan and Y/N?" Kaito pointed out. 

"Still that doesn't mean he doesn't know about it." Jyuran reasoned. 

"If he does, wouldn't he try to protect Y/N-san, like last time, though?" Vroom asked. The others nodded, and Jyuran just gave up explaining. 

He knows that Stacey is a little bit good, even though he doesn't want to admit it. 

"So what do we now?" Gaon asked. 

Kaito thinks for a while before clapping his hand. "How about we split into pairs?" he suggested. 

"Me and Jyuran, will search the east and south side, while Vroom and Gaon search the north and west side. Magine will stay here to guard Y/N." he explained. The other nodded in agreement. 

"But where Zox and Flint? It's strange not to see them here, helping us." Jyuran stated. 

"Are they hit by the beam too?" Vroom panicked. 

"Of course not!" a voice bombarded through the door.

"Zox!" they all called out. 

Zox was carrying Flint in the room, Magine quickly jumped in and helped.

"What happened to Flint, Zox?" Kaito asked worriedly. 

"What else do you think? Those Tojitendo armies, they'll pay for this." Zox clenched his fist while looking at his sister worriedly. 

"Well then, let's go." Kaito stated. With that, the boys took off in search of the monster. While Magine watched over her two friends. 


Stacey was walking with Hakaiser and received a new order to go down and protect Slumber World. 

"Stacey, please stay focused on the mission," Boccowaus warned him. Stacey just bowed and nodded before leaving. 

He felt something strange tighten around his chest. It stings. But he didn't know why he was feeling this way. 

"Let's go Stacey!" Hakaiser chirped, Stacey nodded. They both landed down where Slumber World was hiding. 

"So they send you two to help, huh?" Slumber World grinned. 

Stacey just kept his silence and looked out. While Hakaiser was being the social robot he was, he grinned, "Of course! Let's work together well, shall we?" 

Slumber World just smirked, "Yeah let's. Anyway...we only have to wait a few more hours before the sunset, and my mission should be done." 

"Mission?" Haikaiser asked. 

"yeah, given by The Great King Boccowaus because of Gege." Slumber World scoffed at the bird's name. 

Gege? Stacey wondered in his mind.

"What was it?" Haikaiser asked. Stacey began to pay attention to the conversation as well. 

"Targetting a certain human girl. I don't know what is so special about her anyway." Slumber World stated. 

A human girl? It couldn't be---Nah...right? Stacey remained silent but inside, he was praying that the human girl mentioned was not who he thought it was. 


Sorry for the long wait! Just a head up, this chapter is completely made up, not following the story plot! But no worries, we will get back to the actual story events soon with some fanfic twist, ofc =)))

Hope everyone enjoy it! 

Til' next time, 


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