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You bolted up at the touch. Quickly wiping your tears, you turned around and saw Stacey. 

"Stacey-san, what are you doing here?" You asked, your voice sounding a bit croaked. 

"Was just walking around. What happened?" Stacey replied. 

"Ahh...I see," you stated, avoiding his gaze. 

"You haven't answered my question," Stacey stated. 

"Eh?" you asked him. You turned to face him and finally noticed his eyes were a little red as well.

"Did something happen?" he sighed, frustrated having to ask it again. But then he realized it was a wrong move, as you just shook your head. 

"Iie...no worries." You replied. You gulped and stated,  "By the way, you don't have to force yourself to ask me what happened when you don't want to." 

With that, you were about to leave but he blocked your path. You tried to move the other way but he still block you. 

"What's now?" You angrily lashed out. Stacey stared at you and was quite taken back by your outburst. 

"Gomen...I didn't mean to raise my voice." you apologized when you realized the volume of your voice. 

Stacey continued to watch you. "it's fine. Was it something that Bon World did today?" he found himself asking. 

"Eh?" So that's the monster's name. You let out a bitter chuckle. "I never there such monster exists to toy with human's emotion like that." 

Stacey observed your attitude. As much as he tried to deny it, it hurt him to see you in this state. Most of the time when he saw you, you were all sunshine and smiley. But something must have happened. 

"I'm sorry." 

You looked up at Stacey and were surprised at his words. Stacey was in his own state of shock too. Did I just----?

"You don't have to apologize. I'm pretty sure it was you who decide it." you stated. You looked back at the lilies field. Stacey followed your gaze. 

"Just scream," Stacey stated. You looked back at him confused. 

"You said it made you feel better right? Just scream then, no one is around. And I..." he looked away from you, "I won't judge." 

You felt butterflies in your stomach hearing the phrase. It was comforting, you guessed. You finally let out a small smile. The smile that Stacey always sees you with. 

"Cover your ears then." you teased before turning yourself to the lilies. 

"Kaa-san! Tou-san! I am still grateful I get to you see again. I know you didn't mean what you said earlier." You shouted as Stacey grimaced at the volume. 

"Ano ne...earlier when I told you about my friends, here's one standing next to me right now. His name is Stacey. Would you mind telling Stacey's mom if you see her that I will take good care of him for her!" you shouted one last time. Stacey rolled his eyes.

This girl, again. 

But seeing you releasing all the frustration you cooped up inside made him feel relief. He then noticed certain marks on your wrist when you put your hand down. Is that... He glanced back at you and both made eye contact. 

"Better?" he asked. 

"I guess. Arigato, Stacey. Now it's your turn." you turned to him and gestured for him to do it.

"I'm not doing such childish thing," Stacey stated. You pouted, "You're no fun." 

Stacey clicked his tongue but then went along, "Kaa-san, I will make sure to pay back that monster for what he did to you. And...if there's another chance in the next life, I wish you could live a happier life." 

You watched Stacey as he shouted, feeling warmed up by his words. Although it was nothing much, it was enough for you to see him showing this new side of him. 

"There. Happy?" he asked you. You nodded before seizing his arm. 

"What now?" he asked, surprised by your touch. 

"Let's go get some dango." you grinned before dragging him down the hill before he could protest. 

The marks...Could they be...Stacey stole another glance at you as you dragged him down to the dango shop. You say you want to help me, but it seems to me that you're the one that needed help. 


(Timeskip to next day)

It was your day off after finishing scavenging the venue. You decided to stop by the sweet shop as you forgot about it yesterday. 

"ohayo." you walked in and greeted everyone. 

"Ohayo, Y/N-san!" they said. Magine dashed towards you, "Y/N-chan! You came!" 

"Ahehe...Sorry. Something came up yesterday." you apologized. 

"No worries. Something came up yesterday with us as well, so we are decorating the trees now!" Magine explained, pointing towards the decorations laying on the table. 

You nodded. You turned to the table and saw an unfamiliar face. As if Magine had read your thought, she immediately dragged you towards the new figure.

"Y/N, this is Flint. Zox's sister." Magine introduced. 

"Flint, this is Y/N-chan. The one we were talking about yesterday." Magine explained. 

yesterday....they talked about me. You worriedly thought in your head. 

"Nice to meet you, Flint-san." you smiled. Flint smiled back. 

"Nice to finally meet you. Sta--" Magine quickly covered Flint's mouth.  

"Mhfhufndkjfn..." Flint tried to speak but Magine stopped her, Kaito jumped in and help. 

"Ano ne, Y/N-san, we actually have some questions to ask you...Do you mind?" Jyuran asked, walking up to you. You eyed them suspiciously but nodded. 

"Sure...I guess," you stated. Gaon quickly brought a chair for you. 

"Thanks, Gaon." you smiled at his kind gesture. 

"So, what did you guys want to ask about?" you asked, seeing everyone's eyes were on you. 

"Umm...you ask." Jyuran told Vroom. 

"No, you ask.." Vroom stated back. You looked back and forth at them confused. 

"Magine, you are better suited for this," Jyuran stated. Magine panicked. 

"Ehh....I...you ask it Gaon."  Magine stated. Zox sighed heavily and decided to go it for himself. 

"We want to know---" Zox was about to ask but Kaito interrupted him. 

"Are you and Satoshi dating?" Kaito blurted out of the blue, knowing that Zox's question would be too direct. 

"Ehhhhhhh?" you and the rest asked.


A shorter chapter than usual. I hope Stacey and Flint weren't too OC. Do you think Y/N would leave Stacey soon? Not like 'leave, leave', but ---------. :3 

Anyhoo, til' next time, 


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