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After you were gone, at the sweet shop....

Kaito was in deep thought until Gaon called him. 

"Kaito, are you alright?" he asked in a worried tone. Everyone, including Zox who was enjoying his soup, looked over at Kaito. 

Kaito saw everyone's eyes on him so he just shook it off. "Iie..I'm fine. I was just thinking about Stacey." Kaito stated, knowing that Yacchan was not around. 

"What's wrong with Stacey?" Jyuran asked. 

"Are you finding him suspicious for willing to help us?" Vroom asked. Kaito shook his head. 

"No, I think he genuinely wanted to help for Yacchan's sake, but..." Kaito stated. 

"But?" Zox pressed on. 

"I think he is also doing it for someone else." Kaito deduced.

"Why would you say that?" Magine asked. 

"Just a hunch...because after I thanked him for his help," Kaito recalled his short conversation after the fight.


"I didn't do it for you." Stacey shut down Kaito's remark.

"I know. I know. You did it for Yacchan right?" Kaito excitedly said, "Arigato, Satoshi."

"Wel..it's not only for Yatsude..." Stacey silently mumbled, "She should also return to normal as well."

"Eh? Who are you talking about it?" Kaito heard his silent mumble. Stacey eye widened and quickly denied it.

"No one." and with that, he left.

End of flashback

"So you're saying that Stacey was doing it for someone else sake as well?" Gaon repeated. Kaito nodded. 

"I think you might have got it wrong." Jyuran stated. 

"I'm not sure...but...his eyes when he said that phrase..." Kaito murmured. Zox let out a heavy sigh. 

"I assume you know who he was talking about?" Zox suggested. Kaito looked up, eyed widened. 

"Ehhhh?" the others stated. 

"Hontou?" They turned back to Kaito. Kaito just gulped and nodded. 

"Who is it then?" Vroom asked. 

"I have a feeling it's Y/N-san." Kaito guessed. 

"Y/N-chan/san!" the Kikanoids' voices echoed through the shop. 

"Why make you say that?" Magine asked, "it's not like Y/N-chan knows Stacey..." 

"Yeah. They only met once when he suddenly entered the shop as Satoshi." Jyuran reasoned. The other nodded. 

"I think they might have met before their meeting at our sweet shop," Kaito explained. "Because when I returned her purse yesterday, she said..." 


"Annone, Kaito-san...." you started.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Did you know that Satoshi earlier?" you asked him. Kaito is eye-widened at your question.

"Well...you could say that we are friends," Kaito said, trying to find a good way to word the complicated relationship.

"Do you know if that Satoshi....Never mind. Thanks again." you told him before he could ask you any questions. 

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