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Time was running out. Kaito and the others are frantically searching for Slumber World to save you, Flint, and the others. 

"Over there!" Kaito shouted, spotting Hakaiser. He immediately contacted Jyuran and the others. 

"Minna, they are over here," Kaito reported. 

"Roger," came the response. 


Hakaiser was the first to spot Kaito. 

"Stacey, we got to fight!" he informed his friend. Stacey snapped out of his thoughts and turned to face Kaito. 

"Stacey, Hakais-er. Move out of the way!" Kaito demanded, surprising both Stacey and Hakaiser with his attitude. 

Stacey let out a smirk, "As if." and began to transform. 

Kaito sent a piercing glare before he ran toward them as well. With 2 versus 1, Kaito was clearly at a disadvantage. He tried to avoid most of the attacks to run towards Slumber World, but Stacey and Hakaiser had no will to back down. 

"Let me go! There's no time." Kaito grunted. 

"Kaito!" the others called him and aided him. 

"Go, we don't have much time!" Kaito told them as Zox helped deal with Haikaiser. 

Jyuran nodded. He, Vroom, Gaon, and Magine dashed towards Slumber World. 

Stacey wanted to stop them, but Kaito stopped him. 

"Not on my watch," he stated. Stacey clicked his tongue and shot at Kaito. 

"Why the rush?" Stacey asked, disliking Kaito's current attitude. 

"Y/N and everyone else life is endangered right now," Kaito stated, sending another shot. 

Stacey barely dodged that shot. "What do you Y/N's life is endangered?"  Stacey asked. Kaito was surprised by the question, but he could sense the slight panic in Stacey's voice. 

"Slumber World attacked her. He might have taken her if we didn't arrive in time." Kaito informed Stacey. They were far from the other by now. It was just him and Stacey. 

Damn it...so it was really her. Gege---that damn bird. Stacey cursed in his brain. He could see the sun was almost setting. He was contemplating what to do. If he let Kaito go, indeed, that would cause more suspicion. But if not, he might lose you forever. 

Kaito could sense Stacey's awkward silence as if he was uncertain about what to do. 

"You care about her, right?" Kaito asked Stacey. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" Stacey asked, annoyed at Kaito. 

"Y/N-san. You care about her, am I right?" Kaito asked one more time. 

"What do you know about it? Don't just assume things!" Stacey clicked his tongue and shot at Kaito, but he swiftly dodged it. 

"Although you act cold and emotionless all of the time, I can tell you are concerned about her situation right now," Kaito stated. 

Stacey remained silent. 

"You like her, right, Stacey?" Kaito finally blurted out. Stacey's eye widened behind his helmet. 

Like her...Impossible...I...Stacey's fists slowly clenched together. He hated it. He hated the way Kaito always assumed he knew everything about him. Seeing Stacey distracted, Kaito took this chance and shot the tree trunk, blocking Stacey's way.

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