He scoffed, pushing Bakugou backwards with his shoulder who was s little caught of guard.

"What's your problem dude? Always screaming and making yourself all dense. It's annoying" He said, taking a notice of how's Bakugou's explosions turned bigger and hotter.

Students around them stayed quiet, silently betting on who would back off first. Bakugou hated losing, he was better than all of them and he would always win. Tommy on the other hand often won and if not, then he always found a way to receive anything he wanted. That's the main reason why he lost his discs. He was sick of losing and he wasn't going to lose this battle. Even if it meant getting in trouble.
So he kept teasing the other, who only insulted him and tried to push him to his limits.

"Who do you think you are, huh?! You came here one day and think you're stronger?! I bet you can't even fight well!" Was Bakugou's words.

"Said the angry Pomeranian. All bark no bites, really scary" Tommy answered.

And when Tommy laughed, the first attack was send. Bakugou set off a small explosions, trying to hit Tommy in the process. The other however hid himself behind his wings, feeling a little Sting in his skin. And then he felt pain in his cheek, where the next hit was aimed, this time only as fist.
And was Tommy ready to beat someone. Using his Wing's power, he was fast to cut the other male with so much swiftness it looked like he did it many times before. It was landed successfully, leaving a nasty cut on Bakugou's left arm as he tried to cover his body.
And when he was about to attack Tommy once again-

"To the Principal's office, now" Aizawa's voice cut them off.

And seeing the disappointment in his dark eyes, Tommy already knew he was in big troubles.

And now they were being scolded by Nezu, who gave them a warning and told to never do it again. Of course, they weren't listening. Only when Aizawa hit them both in the back of their heads, did they swore to never do it. Nezu said something to Bakugou about Controlling his emotions and especially anger, before he was allowed to leave.  But it wasn't the end for Tommy, he had yet to face his punishment.
As he sat there in silence, with both Nezu and Aizawa looking at him, he couldn't help but shrink in his chair.

"Got anything to say for yourself?" Aizawa asked with a stern voice, eyes still focused on Tommy.

Nezu only smiled at him, hoping to get him to talk. And hell did it worked.

"I didn't do anything, he was yelling at that Midoriya kid and it fucking annoyed me" Tommy said"So I did what I had to and asked what was his problem but he started to scream at me and then attacked"

There was a brief second of silence, before Nezu spoke.

"Tommy, I understand that Young Bakugou might be sometimes mean or too much, but you cannot get in fight with me. It will only worsen the situation and it can lead to bigger problems for both of you" Nezu said at which Tommy deadpanned.

"Are you serious? What was I supposed to do, let him walk all over me and ignore? He got what he deserved, I was only protecting myself." Was the only replay they heard from the teen.

Aizawa shook his head at that, annoyance slowly building up inside of him.

"He provoked you, you have him a reason" He said. "With your attitude, it will be easy to anger you"

Tommy's attention switched to Aizawa, disbelief written all over his face.

"Not you too. I was just protecting myself! He hit me first and my instincts took over. You can't blame me when you didn't even punish him!" Tommy snapped, his hands slamming on the desk in front of him.


"No! I always get blamed and sure, I might have a trashy attitude but not everything is always my fault! I'm a kid, I can make mistakes too!"

"Calm down" Nezu said.

"Calm down?! Don't tell me to calm down when you literally blamed me for something that isn't even my fa-"


He listened. Like always. His body fell in the chair, eyes focusing on the floor to avoid Aizawa's eyes. He messed up, didn't he?
He pushed the burning pain in his wing aside, swallowing the lump that collected in his throat and made it so hard to breath.

"We're not balming only you! It doesn't matter who started it, you were apart of it. And both you and Bakugou will be punished for doing something dangerous. That's the end" Aizawa said, his eyes burning a hole in the side of Tommy's head.

"Whatever.." the teen whispered to himself, wings being squeezed uncomfortably between his back and the chair.

"We will talk at home about this" Was the last thing Aizawa said to him.

And soon he found himself leaving by the doors, head hung low as Aizawa followed shortly after. When he was about to lock the doors, Nezu caught his attention.

"Don't be too harsh on him, he already went through much" He said.

Aizawa only nodded, half listening Because of his own thoughts.
And oh god was Tommy going to have a lecture at home. He could feel it in his feathers that something will go wrong. Little did he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

The Poisonous Feather // MHA x DSMPWhere stories live. Discover now