16: Over-Ruled

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You didn't mind using the Turtle Mech at all. It seemed pretty cool and it had a lot of interesting uses. It's just that you kinda wished for more seats. You see, the three brothers had certain spots for them. April's space was smaller than the rest, it was like Donnie made it that way, just for her -which, he probably did- but there was only 4 spaces. So, you met up with Casey where April said to go to, while the others went to the Turtle Mech.

"Wait, so where do we get them then?" Casey asked as he did his best to quietly drive around the city.

"They'll be around someone they called 'Shredder' and his lair." You said, still pretty new to this whole thing.

"Got it." Casey said, as he did a U-ey and starting driving. While mid-drive, all lights around you suddenly went out. "Woah, what's happening?"

"We in a blackout or something." You say, standing to lean over the front seat. You were in the back, checking up on Leo. He was still out. You noticed a fast-moving pink thing out of the corner of your eye, and when you did a double take, you pointed it out to Casey. "Casey! Look, over there!"

"Already on it, foxy." Casey said, with no regrets. You raised an eye brow at him, already planning his ass-whooping. "This, is so, METALL!"

Casey hit the gas and sucker punched (?) the huge Kraang, knocking it out of the way. You held Leo down so he didn't bounce around as the car was in the air.
"You guys need a lift?"

Everyone instantly ran in and Casey drove away, not caring for how loud he was being when driving the car.
Donnie apologized to Leo, putting a blanket over him.

"I have a place we can go to upstate. It's a farmhouse, we used to go there every summer. We can stay there as long as we want, no one is around for miles." April offers.

"Up state, huh?" Casey took off his mask. "Sounds good to Casey Jones."

"Did you find your dad and little sister?" April asks, you looked towards Casey, not knowing about his little sister.

"No sign of them." Casey looked forward. "They probably got...Kraang-a-tized."

You looked back to Leo, then to Donnie who hadn't turned his gaze away from Leo yet.
"What's gonna happen now, Raph?" Mikey asked his token older brother.

"For the first time in my life, I have no idea." Raph admits, letting Mikey snuggle up with him.

"...I miss Master Splinter."

You let out a long sigh you've been holding for a while as you watched where April and Casey were taking you. After a while, you started to drift off and you didn't try and stop yourself. It's been a very long day and right now, all you wanted was some rest.

It was night when you left New York. By the time you arrived at April's place up state, the sun was out again. You'd woken up serval hours before, but the only thing that was different was Leo's bandana which was off.

Casey parked the car and got to stretch, he'd driven all night which was incredibly generous of him. The farm house looked old and dusty. There was also a barn nearby. April walked up the steps to open the door for the brothers to carry Leo in.

Donnie said to bring Leo upstairs to the bathroom.
"This will keep him hydrated, help him heal faster." Donnie said as the bathtub started to fill.

Raph stayed where he was, pulling a chair out to wait for him to wake up. You'd came in with food for him a few times, but he hadn't eaten much. You'd been at the farm house for a few hours, but your back wasn't getting any better.

"Hey, April." You caught the girl's attention. "I need a favor."

"What do you need?" She tilted her head.

"When fighting with Kraang, one of their guns got me in the back and I-"
"Oh my, gosh. Are you okay?"

"Well, I need you to check, since I can't extended my neck that far." You says, a little sarcastically.

"Yeah, follow me." April took you to another bathroom, the one down stairs. Currently nobody was in it, so you should be fine. "If you, ur- can you just lift your shirt up?"

You nodded as you lifted your shirt up, but had your back facing her.
When April let a gasp escape her lips, you looked over your shoulder. "What? Is it bad?"

"Yeah, um..." April looked you in the eye. "You might wanna get Donnie to help you. You won't be sleeping on your back for a while."

Eventually, April brought Donnie in and you showed him, but didn't lift the shirt up as high. Donnie made a sound.

"What?" You looked back, dropping the shirt. "What is it?"

"I think you've got a second-degree burn. There's also a bit of blood around the area and it's really red. It doesn't look like it went past the Dermis. Your nerves should be fine by the looks of it, but it will blister and it will hurt." Donnie says, turning to April. "Would there be any aloe vera in your house? And some bandages?"

"I'll go look." April left the room.

"How long?" You asked Donnie.

"I'd say a few weeks, but changing the bandages should help heal it faster." Donnie says. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Well, there seemed to be a few more important things going on." You said, remembering Leo.

"Well what about on the way over here? Or when we were going back to the lair? Or when it happened?" Donnie listed them off. "You ran a lot, that's probably why it's so bad now. And why it's bleeding."

You didn't say anything back. Donnie had point, you were just being stupid.
"There isn't a lot, but I found what you wanted." April came back in with a roll of bandages and some aloe vera.

"Thanks April." Donnie took them from her and looked at you, silently asking you without asking you.

You sighed as you rolled your shirt up. Donnie moved behind you and when you felt the cold of the gel hit your back, you hiss and you moved away.
"It's gonna hurt a bit, but it's the only way to help it heal." Donnie gave you sympathy eyes.

After Donnie and April both helped apply the aloe vera, they had to place the bandage around you. You felt a little dizzy while spinning in a circle for them.

Your back had actually lessened in pain for a bit, but your movements were very limited. April was right about that one thing. You weren't going to be sleeping on your back for a while.

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