12: Avenge the Fallen Pizza

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It was a quiet day in the sewers, which you did not mind at all. Mikey was so excited for you to draw him, he could barely sit still. Every time you looked back up to him, he was either moving or posing in a different position. He had way to much energy.

"Mikey." You lost it when he started to do a handstand. "You know what, why don't you go play a video game or something so you can move, I'll just draw you in action."

"Okay!" Mikey shot out of his seat as he made it way over the TV.

You already had a base drawing of the turtles from when you were bored and had nothing to draw, so you didn't need to worry about some of the detail's being off.
You started to sketch him as he played, the lair got a little more louder as he played, but at least it wasn't mixed with the noise of Raph's yelling, Donnie's lab exploding or Leo training.

You started to draw in a lighter pencil the details of his face. You erased the mistake of his goofy smile a few times until you got it perfectly. Once you got the base down, you moved on it a black thin tip marker to draw him out. Mikey started to move around a little more as he neared the end of his game. You quickly started to shade in his body.
You started to just add in little details you almost missed before and soon enough, you were finished.

"I'm finished." You say, setting your pencils and pens down.

Instantly, Mikey shot up from his game and scrambled to the side of you. "Can I see it?!"

You turned the book to him and his eye's started to glow. He took the book from your hands as he hugged it.
"I'm beautiful."

"Damn straight." You smiled at his adoreness to your drawing.

"Can I show the others?" Mikey begged you with his puppy eyes.

"Go ahead." You allowed him and within a second, he had disappeared. You let out a noise of confusion as he literally vashined to thin air.

You got from your seat and walked in the direction of Donnie's lab. The door hadn't opened, so Mikey would eventually have to go in here to make Donnie look at your drawing.

"Hey Donnie." You made your arrive known in case he didn't notice you coming in.

"Oh, Y/n, perfect." Donnie stood up from his seat. "I was thinking about how you need to hide from the Kraang and everything, so I thought I should show you what they look like."

"Um...Donnie, hate to burst your bubble and everything, but I think I'll know when the Kraang are near me if I see an overgrown chewed up piece of gum start screaming backwards Latin at me." You said, losing a little hope in the smartest member of the turtle gang.

"No, no, no. I know you know that, but they created human robots to hide in." Donnie gestured for you to come around his table. "There are some pictures of them I have, and you don't need to worry about remembering a bunch of different face, -since they're all the same- but I felt like you might wanna take a look."

You took a look at Donnie's computer. On the screen, it showed a few different images. A lot of them were blurry, but you could make out the faces. There was a man with short black curly hair and dark eyes. He had a long face and a button nose.
You noticed how the majority of the photos were taken mid-battle. In fact, now that you were looking at it, all of them were taken mid-battle.

"I'm sorry, did you really whip your phone out to take photos while you were fighting these things?" You asked, turning to him with your hand on your hip.

"Well, it was - It was for research! And your welcome by the way." Donnie sassed at you.

You exhaled through your nose with a small laugh hinting through before placing a hand on Donnie's shell.
"Thank you, Donnie."

"DONNIE!" Mikey's yell hurt your ears as he pounded the door open and flew into the room. "Look at this! Look at it!"

He shoved the drawing in Donnie's face, before turning it around quickly and looking at it again. "It's awesome, isn't it?"

"You drew that?" Donnie looked at you as you nodded. "Wow, you're really good at drawing."

"Why didn't you guys ever tell me I was this cute?" Mikey asked, setting the drawing down and looking at it as if he was some art critic.

"Next time she can draw me." Raph's voice entered the room.
You looked up to see Raph and Leo walking into the room. Raph was flexing his muscles and looked at him with judgement in his eyes.

"I'll draw you sleeping with a stuffed bear." You tell him, making his face annoyed.

"Hah! You totally should." Mikey agreed with you, but that was cut short when Raph threw something at his head.
He seemed to throw things a lot. And he usually threw it at Mikey.


"Alright, I drew you, so this makes that we get to eat something other than pizza." You reminded Mikey.

"I won't forget you, precious pizza." Mikey whispered to himself before turning to you. "What do you want! I can make some worms and Alge!"

"NO!" All three brothers shot up at Mikey's request.
Donnie coughed. "Ur, Mikey. I'm pretty sure that humans can't eat Alge or worms, so we're gonna have to think of something else."

"Aww man." Mikey looked a little disappointed and you were going to say he could make worms and Agle, but the look on Leo's face told you not to.

"Why don't I order burritos." You suggested, looking away from Leo's face and to Mikey's instead. "April can pick it up for us."

Donnie seemed to be in this idea.
"Burritos....I've never heard of them before! Let's do it!" Mikey said, pointing to the air.

"Burrito's it is." You go onto your phone and look up where to get them. "What kinds do you want? There's chicken, beef, vegetarian."

"I'll have vegetarian." Donnie piped up.

"Is there a pizza flavored burrito?" Mikey asked.

"...I'll get you chicken." You say as you type away.

You ordered around about 14 burritos because you knew someone would want more than one. You also called April to tell her and she said she was okay with it.

"I got your food!" April announced her arrival and not a second later you could smell the food.

"Thank you April." You thank her as you take the food off her. "Do you want to stick around? I'm sure I ordered more than enough."

"I'm good, I've already eaten, have fun though!" She waved you goodbye as she left.

Donnie ran out after her, and you left them be. Mikey basically started to levitate to the smell of the food. Raph smacked him out of it and Leo brought Splinter in. Donnie came in a little while later looking a little sad, but he was smiling a bit.

"Thank you for this meal." Splinter said to you before whipping out chopsticks.

"Yeah, no problem." You say, watching him in awe as he pick up the burrito with ease and eating it.

Mikey was halfway into his food when he thanked you, it was a little muffled though. One by one, the turtles thanked you for buying this. You grabbed a chicken burrito and started to eat it.
By the time you finished the burrito, the guys were already on their second one and almost finished it.

"To make things clear." You swallowed your food. "Anyone decides to knock food on me, and I'll start world war 3."

"Noted." Leo said, looking directly at Mikey and Raph.
Raph just scoffed and Mikey pretended to look innocent.

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