13: Unwanted sons of bitc-

Start from the beginning

As the pink blaze gun shots passed you, only coming closer to your skin, you started to run in a zigzag pattern towards the Kraang bots. You jumped on a triangle pillar and used it to propel yourself into the, giving you access to an air attack. You spin in the air as you made bots fall to the ground.

You heard a scream coming from Mikey in the kitchen and your head instantly snapped up.
"Mikey!" You yelled out, but before you could run toward the kitchen, a hot and sharp pain hit your back, basically making you fly forward and land on your face.
You yelled as the pain burnt your skin and you looked behind you to see a Kraang bot holding a gun.
"Why you little." You threw the knife at the breathing chew-up piece of gum it was and watched it happily as it fell dead on the floor.

You got up, pausing for a brief moment as the pain in your back felt like it was stabbing your skin. You knew it wasn't bleeding, or you would have felt the blood ooze down your back, but it still hurt.

"Y/n!" The voice of Splinter made you look in the direction it came from. A tanto blade started to be thrown your way, handle coming at you first. You grabbed it (by the handle). "Go! Escape, now!"

"We're not leaving you!" Leo agrued back.

"I have an plan, go!" Splinter said as he pushed back the giant Kraang bot.

"Come on, to the Shell Raiser!" Donnie said, running towards his own invention.
"You'll go nowhere!" The talking Kraang yelled, you turned your head to only just move out of the way as what looked like a missile flew past you.

Two more missiles followed it, knocking the truck over and making Donnie scream, "My BABY!"

Splinter started to fight off the bot, letting us escape.
"This way! Everyone follow me!"

Leo started to run and you didn't waste time to follow him. He started to run down the railway and soon enough, he reached the tunnels of the sewers.
"This is all my fault, I lead them straight to us." April said, beating herself up.

"Don't blame yourself, April. You were just trying to help a friend." Mikey piped in, trying to ease her uncomfort.

We then stopped, the two tunnels before you going separate ways. Leo and Donnie face different directions.

"Which way?" April asked, looking between both tunnels.

"This way it'll lead us to the turtle mech." Donnie said, pointing towards one tunnel.

"No, we've got to find Raph and Casey first." Leo said, firmly.

"We can find them in the mech!" Donnie yelled.
oh boy, here we go.

"It's too slow!" Leo stepped forward.
"You're the one that too slow!" Donnie also stepped forward, they both got in each other's faces. "You're leading us into disaster!"

"I'm doing what Splinter would want us to do!" Leo put up a wall of defense, but suddenly a glitch o flight separated you and Leo from Donnie, Mikey and April.

'It is the ones known as, the turtles." A Kraang said as it stepped through the portal.

Donnie started to block the guns, but got hit in the process. Mikey started to attack the bots while protecting April and Donnie.

"Run, get April and Donnie to safety!" Leo ordered, slicing the Kraang into bits. "We'll lead them away!"

"Leo, we can't leave the both of you!" Mikey said, showing his talent as he fought off a whole load of Kraang.

"Just do it!" Leo said as he started to clang two heads of the Kraang together, attracting the attention of the bots. "Come on Kraang, this way! Whoo, yeah!"

"Oi! Hubba Bubba, come and get it!" You teased the bots, making them all fire at you as you and Leo ran down the tunnel.

As you started to run, Leo knocked the heads off his swords and turned to you. "Y/n, next tunnel we pass, go down it and get out of the sewers!"

"What?" You yelled at him, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Do as I say! Get out and try to find Raph and Casey! I'll lead them away!" He yelled, looking behind him at Kraang bots. "Go! Down that one!"

"Ugh!" You groaned in annoyance, but listened to him anyways, running down the tunnel.

It was a twisty tunnel, and the sounds of the Kraang-guns slowly went away, along with the taunting of Leo's words. You found a manhole cover and run up the ladder, opening the cover to see an alleyway. You pushed it open and ran out, trying to make sense of where you were.

There was a fire escape on the building next to you and knowing that Raph wouldn't want to be seen, he'd mostly likely be on a rooftop. You pulled the fire escape down and started to climb, moving as fast as you could.
You eventually made it to the top of the building which held a water tank. And you would have never guessed to what you saw next.

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