Bad Vibes

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Papa had me in his arms the whole time till we got to this community room where a lot of people were gatherd inside. It was honestly frightening to me so I tried to hide and hugged my papa even more.

Papa: It's fine. They are all working under me.

???: Boss?

Papa: This is my son Izuku Chisaki from now on. Make sure to treat this baby bird well.

???'s: Yes Boss!

The screams only made me more afraid of what is going on and so I refused to look at them but hid in my fathers neck. He just petted my back and told me it was fine. After that we actually started to walk to a different room and the garden. It was soo beautiful out there. So once we arrived at the garden, papa let me down on the ground and I started to explore on myself.

This flower looks soo nice.

Why does it have thorns tho?

It's pretty.

Papa: You like it?

Me: Mh.

Papa: This is a rose baby bird.

Me: What is that there?

Papa: A spider lily.

Me: Spider?

Papa: They are just called like this.

Me: And this?

Papa: A dandelion.

Me: It's cute.

I was literally crouching in front of the flower and looking at it. It looked soo cute to me and that was when it happened. We were just otgether but someone started to approach us. I felt chills down my spine and I knew to always count on it. So the moment I felt it, I ran behind my fathers leg and grabbed it as well as hid behind it.

Papa: What's up Izu?

Me: There is someone.

Papa: Whe-

???: You refused to met me for a damn kid?! You are getting weak!

My father turned around to me smiling ruffling my hair before telling me just one thing. It was to run inside and get Hari or go to his men. I understood what he meant and immediately ran inside leaving my papa alone because I knew he was strong. He didn't had to tell me about his strength at all. He wouldn't have managed to get me out of there without being powerful and I knew that.

Still I couldn't help but worry and so tears started rolling down my face as I ran inside only that I ran straight into Hari who was about to get to the comunity toom.

Hari: Wow, wow, wow! Careful there!

Before I could fall down, Hari picked me up and looked at me.

Hari: What's wrong Izuku?

Me: Papa and this crusty looking man are in the garden together.

Hari: Did you say crusty?

Me: Mh.

Hari: Okay, I got it. Izu stay here.

That was literally all he said before opening the door to the comunity room and putting me down on a chair. He seemed in a hurry and everyone reacted to that as well.

Hari: We got an intruder in the garden.

With that nearly everyone left the room besides a couple of people and with these people there was this one person who came towards me. It was a girl with long black hair and she seemed nice at first but I had a bad feeling and refused to be close to her. So when she came close to me, I jumped off the chair and backed away.

Woman: AWww look at this kid, wouldn't he be cute with a bit of blood?

I clearly heard what she said and so did the others in the room.

???: What the fuck you saying?

???: Leave the kid alone.

???: If you value your life then you should leave boss's kid alone.

Woman: I'll just bring him back to his room.

She came closer and closer and I just got this weird feeling of danger and before I knew it, I ran out of the room while the door were open and just ran. I didn't know where I ended up but I ran as fast as I could and then crouched down and crawled for a bit on all four because there was this small space I found to hide.

Woman: Shit! How the heck am I supposed to get you out of there now? Come on, get out kid!

???: Toga! Did you finally get him?

Woman: No. He crawled in there!

???: Fuck it. We have to go.

From where I was, I saw the woman change to a blond twin tailed girl which had them in a messy bun. Not only that but there was a guy who was all dressed up weirdly. There were staples in his skin but I didn't care at all. I was scared and these people gave off the wrong vibes to me.

So all in all, I stayed here for god knows how long until I fell asleep. I was just too scared to get out of this hiding spot.

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