Chapter 21: Crimson

Start from the beginning

I heard a shang sound behind me. Without thinking, I ducked as someone from behind me swung an axe at me. I backed up and tripped over a tree root, falling to the ground. I looked up at a boy somewhere from six to eight years old who had tried to kill me. The vikings gasped at the boys brave attempt. I stood back up, and the boy clutched his axe to his chest in fear. He backed up, but I held my hand out.

"It's okay, it's okay... I'm not going to hurt you." I took a few steps toward him, but he hopped a half step back. I took another step, but he didn't move. I knealed down on one knee to be at eye level with him. The boy's golden-blonde bangs flopped over his brown eyes. He still looked terrified. "What's your name?" I asked him. Shocked by my question, he stayed silent for a moment. None of the vikings dared to move, in fear that I would hurt the boy.

"C-Crimson..." He answered shyly. I smiled and carefully reached for his axe. He gasped and tried to back away.

"Crimson, it's okay... It's okay..." I slowly took the axe out of his hand and set it down behind me. "You know, you might be the bravest kid I've ever met." I smiled, and the hint of a grin appeared on his face. "My name is Emma... Understand something, Crimson, I would never hurt you." I waited a second, and Crimson nodded.

"Crimson, where are your parents?" I knew that none of these vikings were his parents, because none of them begged me for his life. None of them said anything. They just sat there in silence. Crimson was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"I-I ran away, because I wanted to be a real warrior viking." I smiled sadly.

"Crimson, you already are a warrior viking. In here." I reached and tapped his chest where his heart was, and he didn't even flinch. Instead he smiled proudly. "How about I take you home to your parents? I'm sure they're worried sick about you." Still smiling brightly, he nodded and offered me his hand. I smiled and stood up, before taking his hand.

I looked down at the little boy holding my hand. He didn't fear me. And it felt amazing. I took a step forward and the vikings rushed to get out of my way in silent shock.

I let the boy lead me toward his home. The village was nearly empty, because everyone was either in the Great Hall, or with Gobber. But there were still a handful of vikings in the village, and at the sight of me, they stopped and stared. None of them charged me—probably for Crimson's sake. Crimson lead me to a house and opened the door. No one was home; his parents were probably still at the Hall.

Crimson rushed to grab a box and showed it to me: It was full of stuffed toys. He pulled out a stuffed orange deadly nadder, with missmatching button eyes. "This is Henry!" He beamed, handing the toy to me.

"Wow! Hello, Henry!" I giggled and played along. I sat down on the floor beside Crimson. He then picked up a stuffed terrible terror.

"And this is Terry." I giggled at the appropriate name.

I had the most fun I had ever had, as Crimson showed me all his stuff and I played with him. We played pretend with the stuffed animals, and we pretended that his bed was a pirate ship. I tickled him until he was laughing wildly, and we played hide and go seek.

Crimson made me feel happy; Accepted. He made me forget that I was something dangerous that everyone feared. He made me feel normal. I felt like I had a brother again, only this time, I was the older sibling.

When his parents still weren't home, I suggested that we go outside and look at the stars. He gladly accepted and jumped into my arms. I picked him up and carried him outside. We laid down in the soft, green grass and looked at the sky.

The white stars glistened and sparkled. Cricket's chirped rhythmically, as I pointed out different constellations. It was late, and Crimson's parents still weren't back yet... Then my eyes gravitated to a note nailed to the door. I struggled to read the words.

 Notice: Joanna Spastic Flames and Clinton Blade Flames lost at sea. Son, Crimson Flames, still missing.

It took me forever to understand the words, but I finally got them: Crimson's Parents were dead.

As delicately as I could, I told Crimson of his deceased parents. Crimson burst into tears and latched into a hug with me. My heart broke for the little boy. He cried and cried as I stroked his back. He eventually cried himself to sleep. I picked him up and carried him into his house and lay him on his bed. I shut the door and lay down next to him - I couldn't just leave him by himself.

I stared at the ceiling. Crimson's sorrow for the loss of his parents reflected my own, for the capture of my brother. It reminded me how much I missed him and how much he meant to me.

"Blaze, come back to me..." I whispered, before sleep overtook me.

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