"You needn't have come so far, Asgardians! Death would have come to you soon enough." Malekith calls out as we landed in front of him.

"For one, I'm not Asgardian."

"Not by your hand!" Thor says.

"Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished." Malekith threatens  uses the power of the Aether towards us, I cover Thor and I but the force of the aether managed to push us back.
He continues to throw blasts at us and we kept standing up after each one.

"You know with all that power, I thought you would hit harder." I tauted as I started to throw blasts at him. He tries to deflect them and Thor uses the opportunity to throw his hammer at him, which sends him flying back far away from us.

We fly towards him and Thor sends a lightening blast at him and he stills for a couple of seconds, his face turning completely black.

He throws a huge blast at us and I fly over it as Thor slides under, completely unscathed.

I used the force of my flight against him, throwing him a punch and he falls back, Thor hits him with his hammer at that moment and he falls into a portal.

Thor goes to follow him but he appears out of nowhere punching him back, he raises his hand to throw a force at me and I do the same, both energy meeting and causing a ripple effect, shattering all the windows and glass nearby.

The force pushes us apart and Thor goes for him, the momentum pushing all three of us into a portal, we land roughly on the dusty floor of the dark world.

We continued to tumble and I put a field around myself as we free fall for a few seconds before the bright sky of earth suddenly burns my eyes. Before I can even get adjusted to the brightness, we're in the dark world again.

Thor stands up before I could and throws his hammer Malekith only for it to go through him. Malekith looks down before looking back up at us, throwing forces of the aether at us, one of them hits Thor but I deflected the rest. My composure faulters when Thor doesn't stand up immediately and Malekith used this to his advantage.

He throws a blast that knocks me off my feet and another that pushed me face first into a rock and I'm sure the resounding crack is my nose. I grip my head as it starts to ache and the warm feeling of blood trickling down my face makes me feel weird.

The tingling sensation comes back again as my nose starts to heal and I wiped the blood with the sleeve of my suit.

I hear grunts beside me and before I can even comprehend, I'm falling again, the warmth of the sun greeting me. We landed harshly on a glass building, sliding off until we start to free fall again. Before I can even stop we entered another portal and this time I'm hit in the face with cold.

What the-?

Even with my abnormal body heat, I could feel the cold. It was the first I've felt really really cold since Edgar. Before I can even revel in the feeling, a loud growl cuts me off.

The giant beast launched itself at us, breaking the ice slab we were standing on, making us fall again.

I land on a hard floor, pain coursing through me. I hit another body and they grunt standing up before helping me up.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked as soon as I recognized Thor.

"I should be asking you that question." He says before looking around and ask a lady in the train.
"How do we get to Greenwich?"

"Take this train, three stops." She says and we nodded entering the train. The train moves and the lady falls against Thor and she stops herself by placing her hand on his chest.

The Golden Daughter✓Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now