17: Poison

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My heart is racing, my head banging. I'm trying my best to get up but it's not possible. I looked down to see that I'm strapped to the table like a rabid animal.

"Melissa Stark." A voice calls out of the shadows. I've heard this voice before. Where though?

My question is answered when the familiar face come to the light. Edgar.

"What is this? Edgar? Let me go." I said as I struggle against the straps.

"Why? The party is just getting started." He said before walking closer to me.

"You know, I always knew you were alive. I knew where you were, I studied you. I watched you. One day I found an opportunity, you were at SHIELD. I followed you around. You were being your annoying self. Walking around checking drawers and safes. Somehow I lost track of you but I found something. Something big, marvelous, interesting instead. I forgot about you and took that instead. I forgot about you for years until you came back again. I really wanted to get rid off you. So I waited and plotted." He says before turning back opening what looked like a safe but I couldn't see with the darkness and the tears in my eyes.

"Then I thought, why not kill her with something someone she loves made." He said pausing slightly. I wonder what he was talking about. Was he talking about the arc reactor? Obadiah said he took it for his own suit, that doesn't make any sense.

He wheels two hospital stands to either sides of me, before bringing out a briefcase and pulling out two packets that looks so much like drips and tubes and panic fills me.

They were drips meant tubes and tubes meant... needles.

If I thought I was breathing fast before, this was a new level. I hated needles with every fiber of my being.

"Oh my, my, my. Is little Melissa still scared of needles? Don't worry I'm not using them. Yet." He said before laughing like a maniac. If I wasn't scared shitless, I probably would have advised him to audition for the villain in a Disney movie.

"You want to know what these are? Guess who made them? Your very own grandfather. How does it feel to know you're going to die by something your loved one made?" He asks.

"You know with one shot of these you'd burn from the inside out within two hours but I'm kind enough to give you the entire thing. You'd die much faster and more painfully. It is tried and tested. If you knew how much I wasted on lab rats, oh how would you know, little miss richy rich." He mocked.

"It was a failed attempt at God knows what that man was thinking, it was meant to be destroyed but I took it and now you're going to be destroyed with it."

"But why? Why do you hate me so much? I didn't even do anything." I choked out. At least if I was going to die, I deserved to know why I was killed.

"You didn't but your family did. We were happy I had a sister and a mother but your stupid family came and ruined everything." He all but spits in my face and I flinched.

"You wonder why dad never went to work? It was all your grandfather's fault. He fired him for no reason, not caring about his family. Mom, you want to know why my mother left and why Elena grew up without a mother? She left us after dad lost his job, she was tired of providing for us. And my sister, she died because of you. If she'd just stayed at home, she'd still be alive today. Her blinding love for you made her follow you that day. You and you stupid family." He shouted before flipping the table and everything on it.

He turned to me and hung up the drip and I started to panic.

"I'm so sorry Edgar. Please, I had no idea. Please, Eddie." I begged struggling against the straps. He didn't react to my pleas, he just hung up the drips and connected them to the tubes before bringing the needles to my skin.

I struggle more, trying to wiggle my body away from the needles, begging him to stop. It doesn't work though. He simply held my arm still and pushed the needle in. I scream out louder than I ever had. But it doesn't seem to affect him. He simply moves to the other arm and does the same.

I felt dizzy. It felt like my head was floating away from my body. I felt shivers down my spine, goosebumps all over my skin. My gaze couldn't focus in a spot and I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

I was starting to give in when I saw him increase the flow and I look up to see that almost everything was in me already. I felt weak.

Then suddenly it felt like I was on fire. I scream out in pain. I couldn't bear it, I struggle harder against the straps. I could feel my skin burning.

He suddenly yanked the needles out, pulling out a lighter. It was then I realised that all the contents was already drained.

I accept reality. I was going to die. No one was going to know where I was. Dad was dying and I couldn't do anything, Pepper was in trouble, Obadiah was getting away.

My body was shutting down, I don't know if it's possible but I can feel my pulse slowing down rapidly and I couldn't do anything to stop it.


I woke up with a jump, sweat dripping down my body, my top clinging to my body. A chill ran down my spine and I push the blankets off me.

I barely made it to the toilet when I puked my guts out. I keep retching but nothing. I lean on the wall for a few minutes. When I decided I was done, I flushed the toilet and clean myself up.

I jump up in fright when I see someone on my bed.

"JARVIS informed me that you heartbeat was going about a bazillion beats per minutes and I was worried." Dad explained shrugging.

"Yeah. So are you going to tell me why you're awake?" I ask.

"It's nothing. I just couldn't sleep. But are you okay?" He asks and I nodded.

"It just felt so real, but I'm fine. I really am." I said.

He sighs, moving further into my bed until his back is on the headrest. "C'mere" he said waving me over.

I smile a little, climbing into bed with him. I rest head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around me.

"You know I love you, right?" He suddenly asks after about ten minutes of silence. I was already dozing off.

"Mm-mh" I mumbled shifting closer to him.

"Good. Never forget that." He said as he placed a final kiss on my head before I sleep off.

Next update: Friday

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