47: Alone.

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I stand up from the soft bed, walking towards the window. I would have enjoyed the bed in other circumstances. Like one where I didn't find out that one the thing that I'm stuck with, that I'm actually starting to love, that technically kept me alive is the one thing that could kill me easily.

I missed dad, he's probably running mad right now, or maybe not, maybe it was just a few hours ago, who knows how time works in space.

I just wish there is someone I could talk too. Thor is probably with Jane and I didn't want to be the third wheel. They're the only people I know on this planet.

My hand runs through the silky green curtains. They reminded me so much of Loki. Wait Loki? I could talk to him, well ask him some questions about this whole powers stuff. He seems to be someone that knows a lot.

I gather the silky material of the dress I was wearing hurrying out of the room. I pause in the hallway when I realise I have no fucking clue about where I am heading.

Now, if I were some degrading asshole, where would I put a delinquent son of mine? Somewhere below their status. I sure they have some prison of some kind.

I stop some maids they was carrying what I guess is food, another carrying books.
"Um, hi. Can any of you point me in the direction of the prison?" I ask.

"Do you mean the dungeon, milady?" The blonde one asks and I almost rolled my eyes.

Potato potahto, same difference.

"Um, yes. We were on our way there. Come with us, milady." The other brunette one says. The blonde one throws her a look.

I follow behind them as we walk through the castle and I roll my eyes at how long we've been walking.

"I didn't catch your name." I said to the both of them.

"I am Aelfhun, milady." She replies with a shy smile and a blush. I look at the blonde one in expectation but nothing.

"Um...she's Darl." Aelfhun cuts the tension.

"Oh, okay, who are the books for?" I ask trying to break the awkward tension.

"They're for the younger prince, milady." She replies.

"Loki?" I ask. Darl looks at me like I just committed treason.

"Yes, they're for him." She replied.

"Can... can I?" I ask reaching for one of the book.

I turn the pages to see it's about astrology. I hand it back to her as we reach the dark dungeon.

I look through the cells as we walk past them. I was suddenly getting nervous. They stop in front of an empty cell with a bed, table and chairs and I frown. I'm sure it was Loki's because obviously the comfortable living and I could feel his presence.

"Um... It's empty?" I say unsure.

"Yes. He doesn't liked to be disturbed." Darl whispers as she drops the books, looking at me pointedly.

"Well, I'm sure he wouldn't mind  your visit, milady." Aelfhun cuts in as I open my mouth to give the bitch a piece of my mind.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, reigning in the anger.
"Thanks Aelfhun. You don't have to call me milady. Just call me Lisa." I said to her with a smile.

She opens her mouth to talk but she's cut off when we heard a voice behind me.

"You look rather ravishing in green." right next to my ear.

I jump in shock before stepping away from him.
"Leave us." He commands as he steps from my back to stand beside me.

Aelfhun looks at me one last time before nudging Darl who was staring at the space between Loki and I. Both of them scurries away and the yellow barrier comes back up.

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