43: Disappointed.

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We manage to arrive at the location in one piece.

"You're never driving again, as long as I'm alive." Dad groans as he gets out of the car.

I roll my eyes at him, my driving was not that bad. Well, in my defence, my left wrist is broken and dad doesn't know about it yet so...

"Pssst, are you going to tell me what you're seeing or what?" I whisper yell to dad who was up the tree.

Dad shakes his head before climbing down, he was literally clinging to the trunk for dear life.

When his feet finally touches the ground he turns around dipping his hand into his pocket tossing me an earpiece.

I plug it in, testing it to see if we were connected.

"There's a guard at the gate and one on the stair way. There's also a dog." Dad states.

"So we're going over the fence." I stated and dad nodded.

We both run towards the fence and I jump over it with no difficulty. Dad was right behind me panting slightly.

We reach the stairway to see the guard with his back to us. Dad takes out the rope from the bag and trips the guy, knocking him out.

Dad takes out the tranquilizer gun and I take out the Christmas decorations.

He shoots a few guard as we made our way to the mansion. Two guards were at the last stop and I throw one of the decorations at them. One of them picks it up, curious, it blows up in his face- quite literally, seconds later and his partner jump into action.

He turns around but I shoot blast at him, not hard enough to kill him but enough to knock him out and leave him with a severe concussion. He falls into a fountain and I drop the last decoration in the water, just for good measure.

Dad gives me a look.
"What? You totally would have done the same." I replied as we made our way inside the mansion.

The place was so quiet and unguarded.
"Should we split up or what!" I whispered and dad shakes his head.

I heard voices and we followed it, we see a guard sitting with his back to us talking to a drunk lady.

"Why is it so hot in here? I told you to put it at 68." She complains and the guard scoffs.

"My fault again. Let me tell you something, sweetheart. I am not your personal air con..." Dad puts his gloved hand on in his head electrocuting him. I pick up his gun, passing it to dad as we leave the room.

We walked further into the house, passing computer screens, my heart thumping in my ear. This place was giving me chills.

We walk past a wall with the graffiti of a skull and we find a bed with the outline of bodies. Dad picks up his pace as we go nearer, ready to shoot if necessary.

I rip of the duvet my hands glowing, ready to attack. I'm disappointed when I see two ladies half naked. The toilet flushes behind us and we move to hide behind the bed.

"Well, I wouldn't go in there for 20 minutes." A voice with British accent asks. "Now, which one of you is Vanessa?" The voice asks again.

"That's me." One of the girls replies.

"Ah! Nessie. Did you know that fortune cookies aren't even Chinese?" The voice asks and I scowl.

"There are some people over here." Vanessa slurs.

"They're made by Americans, based on a Japanese recipe." The voice states ignoring her.

"Hey!" I shout calling the attention of the guy to me. He raises his hands up.

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