19: Whiplash

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"How long does it take to use the bathroom? I mean it's not like he has to touch up his makeup or something. You know what, let's just order, then we'll wait till he comes back before we eat." I whine as Pepper and I wait for dad to come back before we order.

"You know we can't do that. He'll whine all day long." Pepper says scanning through the menu again.

Pepper suddenly looked up only to freeze, making me turn around. You know when I said this day couldn't get any worse. I take that back.

I turn around to see dad enter that death machine.

"Oh my goodness."

"Natalie. Natalie!" Pepper calls out to the new assistant.

"Yes, Ms Potts?" She ask.

"What do you know about this?" Pepper asks.

"This is the first that I have known of it." Natalie replies

"This, this cannot happen." I said.  "What on earth was he thinking?"

"Absolutely. I understand. How can I help you?"

"Where’s Happy?" Pepper asks

"He’s waiting outside." Natalie asks.

"Okay, get him. I need Happy." Pepper says

"Right away." Natalie say as she rushed to meet Happy.

"Lisa. Lisa! You have to calm down." Pepper asks holding my hand over the table. She winces for a second but I don't read anything into it.

"I don't think I can calm down, Pep. What if something goes wrong? I can't lose him too. I was fine with the Stark expo and the destroyed weapons but this is a whole new level." I said my leg was bouncing under the table at an incredible speed.

"You wouldn't loose him. This is your father we're talking about here. He's bound to do stupid things." Pepper says.

"But not this level of stupid." I said tears pooling in my eyes. I raise my hand to wipe my tears but I'm surprised to feel it hot against my skin.

I frown and look down to see that it was glowing. Blue. I quickly yank my hand out of Pepper's.

"What the heck? What is going on?" I ask in shock.

"Not to make you panic even more, but your eyes are blue." She whispers. "I think it's because you are anxious. You need to calm down."

I turn to look at the window beside us. It was true, even though I couldn't see it clearly. It was glowing, just like my hands. Then suddenly, it was gone. I look down at my hand to see the blue fading.

I turn around to see Happy standing with the Iron Man suitcase in his hands.

I quickly stand up to move towards him. I grab his hand dragging him towards the door and I'm sure Pepper is right behind us.

"Did you know about this?" I ask as we get outside.

"No. I'm as surprised as you are." He says as he opened the door of the car and I entered. Pepper enters right behind me and Happy zooms off.

"Hang on." Happy says as he crashed into a yellow barrier onto the track heading the opposite way to the race cars.

"Give me the case." Pepper says to Happy.

"Here, take it." Happy says as he shifts the case towards us.

I watch as they fumble for the key, but my mind wasn't here. It was on dad and what I could do. I look at my hands again and I try to make them do something again but nothing.

I look up to see smoke and fire and my heart drops. I try my best to see through the smoke and I'm glad to see the blue colour of dad's uniform, climbing into the fence as Happy rams into the unsuspecting man in the orange jumpsuit, with electrical whips.

I hurriedly get out of the car, which Pepper protest to by the way.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask as dad avoids my gaze, trying to get to Pepper.

"I was attacked." Dad mumbled as he passes by me.

"Are you out of your minds? Get in the car right now." Pepper screams at us and I huff brushing past dad to enter the car.

Dad holds the door behind me as I shifted closer to Pepper. He prepares to enter but was stopped when the door is cut in half.

What the heck?

I look forward to see the man had regained consciousness. Happy reverses and rams into him again and I try to collect the case from Pepper but she was trembling alot.

"I got him." Happy keeps yelling until the airbag explodes in his face. The whip man takes a shot again, this time slicing the car into two.

I collect the case, trying to fling it out only to be stopped by part of the car falling in my way. Pepper hurriedly takes the case from me and I see that whip man had cut open her part of the car making it easier for her to throw the case out to dad.

Dad hurriedly steps on the case activating the suit. This is the first time I've seen him use it and if not because I'm on the verge of exploding I would have found it amazing. 

Dad pushes the car further away from the man before turning to him. I try to find my way, to the passenger seat. I've never been so glad for my small strature. I crawl between the bended metal, trying not to scrape myself before I finally settle in the seat.

Happy looks at me for a few seconds before realising what I was about to do, but he was to late. I jump out of the car ignoring the shouts from Pepper and Happy.

I run towards the fight and I get there just in time to see dad rip something out of the whippy man's chest. I already figured out it was the source of power for the suit.

I look at the object that worked a lot like our arc reactor but before I could get a good look dad crushes it between his alloy palm.

"Is it-?" I ask.

"Yeah. It is." Dad's mechanical voice replies as we both watch the man get dragged away by officials.

A/N: I know I said next update was Monday, but I just woke up really happy, well that was until I saw the new Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania trailer and now I'm really worried.

Next update: Monday.
For real this time.

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