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Before Iron Man.

November 30th, 1995. Stark Manor. Time: unknown.

It was late at night. Sometime between 11pm and 12am.

The door bell chimed through the whole house. Jarvis, the butler quickly head towards the door bell wondering who could be at the door at this very ungodly hour.

He was shocked to see a very pale lifeless looking baby about two years old lying on the floor in nothing but a very tattered looking dress  and a piece of paper attached to her, in this very harsh Winter cold.

He quickly shrugged off his jacket laying it on the lifeless child and turned around- not closing the door, to find his employer.

"What is wrong Jarvis?" Maria Stark asked as she dropped the cup of hot tea she was drinking on the table after seeing the look engraved on Jarvis' face.

"Ma'am, I think you would want to see this."


Maria Stark stood at the entrance of the room where the little girl was being examined by the family doctor,the paper in her hands, she didn't have the heart to open it yet. The poor thing was cold and barely breathing when Jarvis found her.  She had a very familiar brown locks and a soft oval face. She could bet all of her husband's fortune that the girl had the genetic brown eyes.

"She appears to be malnourished, she has also been diagnosed with a very severe fever. According to my diagnosis, she has been unconscious for quite sometime. She should be awake very soon. You should bring her to the hospital for a proper checkup. " The doctor explained.

"Thank you, doctor." She  appreciated as the doctor made his way out of the room accompanied by Jarvis.

Maria walked into the room for the first time that night. She sat down beside the pale girl who had a drip connected to her left arm. She was slowly regaining her colour. Maria gently swept back the hair on the girl's face.

She didn't need anyone to tell her, she could see it very clearly, it was sleeping right in front of her.

This is Tony's child.


The Golden Daughter✓Tony Starkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें