18: Notary.

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I walk into the gym to see dad and Happy boxing. I take a seat on one of the benches.

"Pepper said she would be here soon. She's bringing the notary." I announced to the boys.

Pepper walks in a few minutes later. I wave at her glancing behind her to see if the notary was coming.

"The notary’s here! Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?" Pepper calls out to the boys.

"I’m on happy time." Dad calls out as he hit Happy in the face with his elbow. "Sorry."

"What the hell was that?" Happy calls out.

"It’s called mixed martial arts. It’s been around for three-weeks."dad says trying to cover up the fact that he just cheated.

"It’s called dirty boxing, there’s nothing new about it" Happy says before puting his hands up again.

"All right, put them up. Come on."dad says to Happy. I hear the sound of heels clicking and I look up, knowing it's not Pepper's. I must admit she was hot. The red haired woman was dressed in a white shirt and black suit pants.
She nods at me in greeting and I acknowledge it.

I look back at the boys just in time to see Happy nudge dad. Dad stare at her and I feel the tension. I hate her already. She's going to make me loose yet another bet. Dad and pepper needed to get together soon and she was going to be a distraction. Things were already going so well.

I don't know if she knows but I just killed her in my brain. Five times.

"I promise this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company." Pepper asks oblivious to what's going on. As the notary says something to Pepper, I look back at dad to see Happy tap his head with a light punch.

"Lesson one. Never take your eye off…" he was cut off by dad kicking him and he crashes into the corner of the ring.

"That’s it. I’m done. What’s your name, lady?" Dad asks picking up his bottle with the weird green liquid in it.

"Rushman. Natalie Rushman" the notary - Natalie replies.

"Front and centre. Come into the church." Dad says taking a swig from the bottle and I rolled my eyes.

"No. You’re seriously not gonna ask…" Pepper starts but she was cut off

"If it pleases the court, which it does." Dad says as she and Pepper exchanges a few words before she walked towards the ring.

Happy smirks at me and I roll my eyes. I'm not loosing my bet over some stupidly hot green eyed notary.

Natalie enters the ring. Dad swigs down more green liquid out of a bottle, his eyes never leaving hers and I scoff. Really?

"Can you give her a lesson?" Dad suddenly asks Happy after staring at the not - Natalie for about ten seconds straight without blinking. Talk about creepy.

"No problem." Happy says entering the ring.

Dad went to take a seat beside Pepper and I felt a smile on my lips. Couldn't they see how cute they were together?

"How do I spell your name, Natalie?" Dad suddenly calls out and I almost bang my head on the wall beside me. The woman of your dreams is literally beside you and you're after the one across you? Sometimes I don't understand men.

"R-U-S-H-M-A-N." Natalie spells out and I see dad and Pepper bicker a little, dad points at the screen on the table a few times.

I'm snapped out of my creepy watching when I hear Happy being slammed down on the floor.

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