11: Blown to Kingdom Come.

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I slump into my bed after taking off my dress. Tonight has been a very rough night.

First Edgar's sudden appearance after two years. Then Obadiah's confession. I wonder how dad is taking it.

Edgar floated into mind again as I tried to get some sleep. What was he doing here? The last time I saw him was in New York and he made it pretty clear that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with me.

With that thought in mind I wandered off to sleep.

Joyous screams of children filled the park, bringing a wide smile to my face.

I drop the bouquet of flowers by the lake, looking up to the skies.

"I love you, El." I muttered, tears in my eyes.

I might not remember much from my childhood but that one day would never leave my mind.

I wipe my eyes and look at the time on my watch, making me scrabble up to my feet . Dad would be arriving at the hotel in twenty minutes time and I was twenty five minutes away.

I rush through the crowd of children trying my best not to bump into any of them but despite my effort I still bump into a frail man in a coat.

I felt so guilty so I decided to help him. "I'm sorry sir." I muttered as I helped him gather himself.

I don't notice that the man was staring at me in what I think is shock.

"It..it's you. You're alive. She told us you'd died." He says looking down at me.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, but I have to go." I said.

"It's you. Melissa." He says making me stop in my track.

That name. I haven't heard that name since...

I turn back to the man,taking in his features now and everything clicks.
I open my mouth to speak but I'm cut off by a voice that sends chills down my spine.

"Dad. I've told you not to walk off with out me. Who is this-" his voice cuts off when he recognizes me.

"You." He growls at me and I subconsciously take a giant step back.

"It's your fault. They took her away because of you. My baby. My little girl." Mr Brown cries as Edgar, wraps his arms around his frail father.

"It's okay. Let's just go." Edgar comforts. His father turns around shaking, Edgar turns back to me as his father walks few steps away.

"Don't you think you've done enough? Just stay away from us, the next time you come back here, I promise you it'll be you're last." He says menacingly as I stand there in shock. He walks back to his father and they both walk away out of my sight.

My phone pinging in my pocket brings me out of my state of shock and I quickly wipe my face.

'Where are you?'

I quickly replied.

I'm around the hotel. I found something that caught my attention, I'll be back in five;)

I gather myself as I walk through the crowd of people.


I got up suddenly, soaked in sweat. I sighed at the dream, more like memory.

I walk up to dad's room peeping in to see if he was awake, but he wasn't there and the bed doesn't look slept in. He must have spent the night in the lab again.

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