20:Tested, not trusted.

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Pepper is watching the television her attention solely on it.

"Mute." She suddenly heard behind her. She turns around to see Tony standing with a tray in hands.

"What is that?" She asks gesturing to the covered tray.

"This is your in-flight meal." Tony says as he takes his seat opposite her.

"Did you just make that?" She said as she glanced at the direction that he'd come from.

"Yeah. Where do you think I’ve been for three hours?" He asks.

"Tony, what are you not telling me? Not telling us? Your behavior is upsetting Lisa so much. She's was very worried, she almost had a breakdown." Pepper says quietly.

"I don’t want to go home. At all. Let’s cancel my birthday party and… We’re in Europe. Let’s go to Venice, Cipriani. Remember? About Lisa, I'll make it up to her, I promise."

"Tony- " Pepper sighs

"It’s a great place to be healthy. Lisa would love that. We could go to London, she's been talking about it all year. She'll -"

"Tony. I don’t think this is the right time. We’re in kind of a mess. I honestly don't think Lisa needs to travel anymore." Pepper says.

"Yeah, but maybe that’s why it’s the best time. ‘Cause then we can…"

"Lisa needs you now more than ever. It happened again. She didn't even notice." Pepper admitted.

That made Tony pause.

"It happened?" He asks.

What Lisa didn't know was that they saw it. The little glow that lit up her fingers when she was startled the other day. What she didn't know was that whenever she had her nightmares her body glowed.

"I can't believe it. We had her blood tested and body scans but nothing. How's that possible?" Tony asks, mainly to himself.

"I don't know how but it's there and she needs you more than ever." Pepper tells him.


"It’s just unbelievable. It proves that the genie is out of the bottle and this man has no idea what he’s doing. He thinks of the Iron Man weapon as a toy. I was at a hearing where Mr Stark, in fact, was adamant that these suits can’t exist anywhere else, don’t exist anywhere else, never will exist anywhere else, at least for five to ten years, and here we are in Monaco realising, “These suits exist now- "

"Mute." I says as I sink further into the bed.

I'm tired of hearing about Iron Man. I just want a peaceful vacation away from everything. Change isn't looking so good anymore.

I hear a faint knock on the door but I ignore it. It's probably Pepper. I hear the door open and shuffling. I think I hear ruffling of a wrapper.

"Go away." I mumbled.

"Oh. I guess I'll have to take the chocolate with me then." I heard dad say and I turn around.

This isn't fair. He knew I couldn't resist it. 

"You're cheating. I'm upset with you not the chocolate, you can drop them and go." I said.

"Yeah, I could do that but unfortunately, I come with the package. If these greatness stays, I'm staying too." Dad said moving closer to the bed.

I roll my eyes and snatched the packet out of his hands and turn the other way curling further away. I heard him sigh before feeling the bed dip.

"I'm sorry." He says. I stilled before turning back a little to catch a glimpse of him before turning back.

"I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you. We could turn this plane around right now to anywhere you want to go." Dad says.

"Why? You're hiding something from me. It bugging you, killing you slowly and you don't want to tell me or anybody. It hurts, you know. I feel like I'm loosing you." I mumbled but I know he heard everything.

"The truth is that... I don't want to go home, I don't want to have a birthday party. I just want the three of us together on a vacation." He said before drawing me closer by my waist until I'm right beside him.

"Yeah, well how did that turn out?" I let out a tiny sarcastic chuckle.

"The only good thing, I don't even know if it's a good thing that came out of this is that I know that the serum is still in me." I said before turning around. "But I guess you know that already."

"Pepper told me. Do you feel anything different? Maybe pains or discomfort?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I only want to sleep." I reply. " Don't touch my chocolate." I said as a yawn escaped me and dad chuckled.

"I wouldn't. I promise. I love you Lis, more than anything in this world."


"JARVIS, you up?" I ask as I entered the gym.

"Always for you miss." JARVIS replies.

"Yeah. So yesterday, I had another melt down and the glowing thingy started again so I'm trying to test a theory." I said as I dropped the bottle with me.

"And what theory will that be, miss?" JARVIS asks.

"Adrenaline rush. The other day I was startled you saw what happened. Yesterday I was anxious and it was there again. So I'm going to do something I'll probably regret when I'm done." I said as went to stand in front of a punching bag. "How bad do you think I'll be injured if I get hit by a punching bag?" I ask.

"It could be very dangerous. It could lead to a serious concussion, memory loss, coma or at worse death." He replies and I feel a chill run down my spine.

"Well that's comforting." I mumbled as I wrapped the tape around my hands just like I'd seen Happy and dad do a million times. I wasn't a novice and I knew I could throw a decent punch. I mean I live with people like Happy and Rhodey.

I fold my fist and give the bag my hardest punch only for the bag to move barely an inch. I try again and again before giving up.

"This is useless."I huff removing the tape. I settled for pushing the bag and it moved. A lot farther than when I punched.

I pushed again, harder and harder. When I was satisfied with the momentum I stay in front of the bag that was swinging back at me with force.

I close my eyes in anticipation. I wait for a few seconds, bracing for impact but nothing. I peek an eye open and opened both wide when I take in what was in front of me.

The bag was suspended in the air with blue force holding it in place. Just a few inches from my face.

"Uh, JARVIS, what's going on?" I ask.

"It appears that you have a sort of shield around you. I cannot comprehend the kind of energy that is causing it." JARVIS replies.

I let out a squeal in excitement, only for the barrier to drop and the punch bag to hit me right in the face.

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