45: Impromptu Trips.

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Blood red. Fire and darkness.




I snap my eyes open, my chest heaving, sweat coating my body. I seat up laying my body against the headrest.

The same dream for the past two weeks about the same person. The knock on my door snaps me out of my daze.

Dad's mop of brown head peeks in.
"Smalls? Are you alright?" He asks and I nod trying to get my breathing back to normal.

"Same dream?" He asks and I nod.

"Have you considered going to meet her? Maybe to tell her or something?" He asks.

"What if it's nothing?" I ask.

"Then you come back home. But so far they've been true right? You were never wrong." He replies and I nod.

"Well then, I have a flight to catch tomorrow. Hear that J?" I said to the AI.

"Already on it Miss."


Driving in London is weird. Everything is weird, the traffic flow and everything.

This has to be the last time I'm driving. Dad is already working on getting JARVIS to autopilot the car just because he was scared that I'll crash a car and cut my life short. Not that I'm complaining about the thought of not driving.

I manage to reach the location Darcy, Jane Foster's intern sent me in one piece, not a dent on my car, only a few bearable scratches. Dad would be so proud.

"Lisa Stark. It's so good to finally meet you." Darcy greets extending her hand out as I walk up to her.

"Darcy Lewis. The pleasure is all mine." I replied, taking her hand.

"Oh my God. It's really Lisa Stark." I heard a guy say behind me and I look back to see the guy gaping at me with disbelief.

"Uh, hi?" I wave at him as Darcy walks over to him collecting the equipments from him.

"Yeah. Hi. I'm Ian. Ian Boothslay. I'm her intern. Its nice to meet you. I'm  a really big fan of yours. It's a real..."

Darcy throws a hard jab into his sides and he jumps, groaning.

"Soo, you're the intern's intern?" I ask.

"Yeah." He and Darcy replies.

"Okay Ian. It's so nice to meet you too." I responded with a small polite smile. "What about Dr. Jane?" I ask Darcy.

"She went in about four hours ago and we can't find her. We were about to call the cops when you arrived in that sweet ride." Ian replies.

"No no wait. Let's wait a few more minutes." I called out. I'm not ready to deal with police and paperwork right now.

"Yeah. Okay." Darcy replies.

"So, what exactly did you guys see here?" I ask.

"We found a reading that was similar to the one in New Mexico so we came to check it out. We met some children playing here and they showed us this floating truck. It was just floating by itself no strings, nothing at all. Then, they showed us this stairway that makes things disappear and reappear. They threw a bottle in and it kept falling over and over again. Then, this dumbass threw our car keys in and it disappeared. Jane went to check out what could have caused it and she's been gone for four hours now." Darcy says, throwing a glare in Ian's direction.

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