Chapter 48: Years and Tears

Start from the beginning

"This was from the night Owens party was hosted in Sina, a painter insisted on drawing us. Look at the color of her dress." He spoke, placing the ribbon atop the painting.

"It's from her dress..." Erwin whispered, the realization hitting him.

"This was on the inside of her desk?" He asked lowly, his brain scanning over the information.

"Yes. It looked like it had been hidden." The blond responded. "Do you think she put it there on purpose? Like she... knew we would search her room and find it?" Erwin asked quickly, glancing up to the man.

"There's a high chance..." Levi replied, "Maybe she couldn't tell us directly, so this was her way of communicating..."

"Maybe she was trying to protect someone, so she left in exchange for them." Erwin spoke softly, "What would this ribbon mean then?"

Levi sat quietly for a moment, "How fast can I get into Sina?"

"Today?" The man nodded, "I could get you there by... 8pm tonight if you leave within the hour."

"Let's do that. I'm not completely sure if this even means anything, but at this point I'm so desperate I'll do anything. I'll take this as a sign to go to the shop owner of the store where we got the dress from." Levi stated, digging through his pile of papers he had been working on.

"Okay, I can have a carriage ready for you in ten minutes. Would you like me to ask Hange to go with you?" Erwin stood, grabbing his coat from the back of the chair.

"Sure." He replied, quickly looking up again, "Oh- but," Levi hesitated, his brain rapidly preparing to leave.

Though even without saying more, Erwin nodded, "I will ask Cora to help, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

Listening to his response, the man nodded. As if on cue, a faint knock and the twist of a handle sounded from Levi's personal door.

Both the men turned to look as the door opened.

"Daddy?" The small girl asked quietly, glancing over at Erwin then back to Levi. Her hair falling softly onto her shoulders, the darkness of the brown almost making it seem like Levi's hair from a far. But her small round face held the same soft features of her beautiful mother.

"Are you leaving?" She asked softly, holding onto the door.

Shifting his weight in his chair, Levi outstretched his arm as an invitation. The five year old quickly ran over to him, crawling onto his lap as he boosted her up.

"Just for a day or so, I'll be back before you know it." He said quietly, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Are you gonna bring mommy back?" She asked, her words slightly obscure.

Erwin could feel his heart sink immediately from the sight, remembering how she had reacted when (Y/n) had first left.

Rubbing her arm softly Levi spoke, "Just going for business, you'll get to stay with Cora. Alright?"

Even at the prospect of her favorite aunt, her face withheld a sad gaze, "I miss mommy..." The little girl whispered.

Levi frowned at her reaction, his chest tight. Pulling her close, his hand rested on her head as she leaned on his chest.

"I know. I miss her too." He whispered so only she could hear, kissing the top of her head.

Levi glanced up as the door to his office shut quietly, leaving them in a peaceful silence.

"Daddy?" She asked into his shirt, feeling as he hummed a reply, "Does Mommy still love me?"

Levi could feel his stomach drop from her question, his eyes shutting as he pressed his lips together. It broke him to see her own daughter questioning if she truly cared about her.

"Yes. Yes she loves you. She loves you more then you could ever imagine. I promise." He reassured, rubbing her back slowly.

"Then... why did she leave me?" The young girl moaned into Levi's chest, chocking on her own breath as she sobbed.

He was at a complete loss for words, hating how much she doubted and blamed herself. How badly this hurt and affected her, the girl just wanted her mother back. It pained him to see her in such a state.

Holding her head closer to him, his fingers massaged her scalp. His other hand in her back as he hugger her close.

"She loves you very much, I know that for a fact." He vouched quietly after a while, "And I do too. Okay? I love you, Isabel."

He rubbed her back softly, kissing her head once more.

"I love you too, daddy." Isabel said.

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