Chapter 7: An old friend

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"Hey! Can I help you?" A young man shouted, steadying his horse beside the pair.

"Yeah uh... we're here for the cadet corps." (Y/n) stated, adjusting herself in the saddle.

"I'm afraid you missed it. This years group started a month or so ago, your to late. Come back next year if you want to join." The man remarked, turning his horse to leave.

"I-" The girl stuttered, she didn't know they could do that. She had presumed they would take all the help they could get, "Well can't we just start late?"

"No, listen just go back-" The man voiced before getting cut off by another man who's horse now stopped by the group, it's white coat shining in the moonlight.

"Is there a problem here?" He asked, the man had a tall, well built structure. A position of poise and authority, his blond hair tucked neatly behind his ear as his large blue eyes shimmered in the light.

"N-no Sir! Everything's just fine!" The first man shuddered in the sight of the new arrival.

"Listen, why don't you head back to base, I'll take care of these two." The blond man stated, making brief eye contact with the two.

"Oh- Yes Sir!" The man said, quickly turning and heading back.

"Sorry about that, new recruit who thinks he knows everything." The man stated giving a tight smile, "I'm commander Erwin Smith of the scouts, how can I help you?"

Both (Y/N)'s and Matthews eyes widened, "Commander?" The boy said quietly, Erwin gave him a short nod.

"We were looking to join the cadets." The girl spoke up.

"Ah, I see. Yes I can take you to the office and to get registered. But if you don't mind me asking... How old are each of you?" He asked with slight caution.

"21 and 22, why, is there an age limit?" Matthew questioned, furrowing his eye brows.

"Not necessarily, however at a certain point I feel a quick exam would be better. If you pass, you graduate. If not, you will simply train as a cadet. It's more based on how fast you can pick up the skills and if you already have the maturity and strength to pass. I've had a few instances were recruits have graduated without actually... graduating..." He replied carefully, while nudging his horse to walk towards the buildings, the two following.

"Okay... so when can we take this... test?" (Y/n) asked while keeping pace with the commanders horse.

"Tomorrow. I'll talk with head trainer and get everything situated. I was here on business anyways so I'll come out to evaluate. What regiment are you looking into?" Erwin inquired.

"Scouts." Both (Y/n) and Matthew said in union, both looking over and making eye contact briefly.

Flash back, earlier that day.

"So... what regiment do you wanna join?" Matthew asked taking his eyes off the road and glancing at the girl to his right.

She kept riding not giving him a response, thinking deeply before sighing, "Scouts."

"Scouts?? Are you out of your mind! You'll get killed!" He barked back at her with wide eyes.

"Not if I'm careful." (Y/n) said flatly.

"Your crazy! We get forced out of our home and your choosing the path to death over a life of luxury?" He fumed.

"Yeah, cause if I'm going to make a change in this world it's out there, not in here." She said finally turning to look at him as he grew silent.

Matthew turned his gaze back front, dropping the conversation.

Back to present time.

"Ah, well then it works out that I'm here huh?" Erwin smirked, exited to see their potential.

Erwin lead them to the barn, showing them where everything was soon the two headed to the Cadet rooms.

"Night." Matthew said placing his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder before walking down the dimly lit hall.

Turning the knob of the door, it squeaked open revealing a dark room filled with bunks on either side of the walls.

Soft snores and breaths filled the room as she quickly shut the door behind her, spotting an empty bed and walking over to it.

The girl quietly crawled under the covers, sighing at the relaxation after the long days ride.

"Who are you?" A voice asked someone behind her head, sending her heart rate flying at the jump scare.

"Jeez!" (Y/n) whispered loudly quickly flipping her head around to come face to face with another girl, who was laying on her stomach holding her head in her hands as she looked through the gap between the two beds, "What was that for?"

"What do you mean? I just asked who you-" The girl started before her eyes widened and jaw dropped, "Oh my god- (Y/n)?!"

"What- Cora??" (Y/n) beamed now turning to face her.

"Yes!! Oh my god where did you go? I never thought you would see you again!" Cora cheered, a girl across the room groaned at the commotion.

"Shh!" The girl seethed, rolling back over.

"Sorry!" Cora whispered before turning back to face (Y/n).

"It's kind of a long story..."

Time skip, an hour later.

"Wow... I'm... I'm so sorry..." Cora said lowly, the two girl now sat outside the bedroom on a window sill.

"It's alright... I'm safe now. Thomas took care of me, and I meet Matthew and Mila to." She replied softly.

"Yeah but... I mean... I was right across the street and I didn't even-" Cora stuttered, "If I had known I would have helped, I promise. All I knew was your mom had passed, and then you just stopped coming out to play..." she said placing her hand over (Y/n)'s.

(Y/n) only gave a sad smile in return, "Its alright, I'm just glad to see you again. Where were you?" She asked.

"Oh, me? Not a very interesting story. After you stopped coming out I just stayed home, helping out my family and such. Though when I saw the new people moving into your house, not gonna lie, I went over and pushed them for answers. But they where just a clueless family who had just moved from Shiganshina. I stayed just like that for a while, and then landed myself here!" She laughed quietly.

"Oh, well I'm glad you were here and are safe. Though we should probably go to bed." (Y/N) spoke standing up.

"Yeah... your right." Cora giggled as the two made their way back to the room.

Hey guys! Sorry for the boring ish chapter, but I have a lot planned. I hope you enjoyed!

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