22. Icicle

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Then fire rained down from the sky. Daenerys. The mother of dragons had arrived. She gave them a circle of protection with the fire, her dragons killing walkers around them. She offered jon a hand but he needed to kill more of them. They were not stopping. Daenerys reached out for him. But jon kept fighting.

'GO!" Jon shouted. Dany took flight not sparing him a second glance. He thought of the possibility of never seeing Elle again but he needed to try, if he could stop a war before it began, then he had to try.

The night king approached watching them leave on their dragon. The night king readied his spear and launched it at one of the dragons, the dragon collapsed to the ground disappearing in the water. Dany watched her child fall. Her other two dragons screaming out for their brother. While Jon was dragged under the ice. But a hand reached down pulling him up.

'Uncle Benjen?" Jon questioned once he caught his breath.

'Get out of here!' Benjen demanded giving jon his horse, and a frozen jon was slung over the back as Benjen scarified himself to let jon get away.

Dany dropped them off at the wall, they were to head to kings landing next. But Dany needed a moment to grieve the loss of her dragon, her child.

When danny came back with jorah and sandor and beric... Elle scanned the men as they slide off the dragon. Jon. Jon. Jon.

'Where is jon?' Elle questioned

'The idiot kept fighting.' danny remarked

'Where is viserion?' Elle questioned only seeing two dragons

'The night king killed him.' danny sneered, Elle couldn't help but notice that Daenerys looked more upset about her dragon then a living breathing person.

'Is jon-'

'I don't care about him!' Danny shouted. 'My baby is dead.'

Elle opened her mouth to object to shout to say that Jon had value and lets face it the Targaryen in Elle wanted to slap Daenerys. But shouts for help were soon hear from the wall. Jon was riding a horse, well slung over the horse's back, he didn't look conscious.

Jon's clothing was peeled from his body. Crunching and breaking as the frozen clothing was removed. Elle couldn't breathe as the maester worked on him trying to revive his frozen body. When he came to Danny sat next to him staring down at him.

'I'm sorry' jon said when he woke up 'I'm so sorry-' he told dany

'The dragons are my children the only children I will ever have. we are going to destroy the night king and his army, we will do it together do you have my word.' Dany told him

'I'm sorry Dany, still.' Jon told her.

'the last person to call me dany was my brother perhaps a different nickname.' She suggested.

'how about my queen?' dany smiled nodding finally he bent the knee.

'Jon?" Elle questioned and his smile changed the pained look on his face shifted to pure joy.

"Elle,' he said breathlessly.

'I thought i told you to be careful.' elle said softly as Danny moved from Jon's side and Elle sat at the edge of his bed.

'I'm sorry.' Jon whispered pulling her closer.

'Jon...' she whimpered 'you could have died.... when you didn't come back... when you didn't step off the dragon.' Elle said shaking her head. "I thought the worst.'

'No. I had to get to back to you. You promised to warm me up. Thought I would come back an icicle that way you would be stuck to my side for all eternity.' Jon told her

'All eternity?' Elle questioned a smile on her face.

'Perpetuity.' Jon told her with a grin remembering his meeting with Daenerys when he first got to dragon stone and Elle leaned in closer.

'Forever.' she said a laugh escaping her lips. 'Forever westeros time or forever neverland because the two are very different.' She mused.

'Any forever with you will never be long enough.' jon told as she kissed him. It hurt to move but he needed more of her. His hand in her hair keeping her lips on him as her body curved into him warm hands sliding down his cold stomach. Their lips broke apart and elle wrapped herself up in his arms.

'It's a long ride to kings landing from here.' elle remarked. 'Plenty of time to get well again and back on your feet.'

'I think i would prefer to stay in bed with you until we get there and after.' Jon told her and elle smiled up at him.

'I would like that. Rest though, we have all the time in the world.' Elle assured.

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