2. Happy thoughts

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'Neverland of course.'


'It's the most magical place.' Peter assured her. 'The lost boys will love you.' Rachelle thought about it. 'Come with me or marry your brother.' Peter remarked offering her a hand

'You flew here.' She remarked

'I did' he agreed.

'How did you do that?'

'Faith. Trust. Pixie dust.' Peter told her as the little pixie fluttered around.

'A fairy,' rachelle said amazed. 'I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.' she admitted.

'Tink. This is rachelle.'

'Hello'. Rachelle said quietly as tink buzzed around knocking things over. 'What is she doing?'

'Tinker Bell.' Peter warned 'come on now,' she clicked her heels stomping around the room

'What's wrong with her?'

'She's stubborn. She likes being the only lady that has my attention.' Peter mused.

'Do I have your attention Peter?' Elle asked with a grin

'You most certainly do,' Peter answered and she blushed.

Being a Targaryen came with certain expectations. With her family on the crown the throne the power that they hold they were dragons blood they were magical but this boy this Peter Pan came flying into her window in the middle of dragon stone.

'Come on Tinker Bell enough you're going to scare away,' Peter said anchoring his hands on his hips as he watched Tinker Bell knock over books and trinkets.

'Where is Neverland?' Peter turned his attention back to Rachelle.

'I'm glad you asked,' he said guiding her to the window 'it's the second star to the right and straight on till morning.' he said happily pointing into the distance 'this mean you're coming with me?'

'Well the alternative was marrying one of my brothers and my brothers are both idiots and incompetent fools.' She didn't want to marry her brother. She wanted to have an adventure with this strange magical boy who is about to literally sweep her off her feet

'Yes.' Elle agreed.

'All right Tinker Bell can you give her some help?' Tink stomped around the room, 'don't worry about her.' Peter said 'all right I have to do is think happy thoughts'

'Think happy thoughts?'

'Yes I think happy thoughts and they will lift you off the ground.' Peter told her

'That sounds really simple,' she told him as he ran his hands along her hips his fingers trilling along her thin dress.

'Well thinking happy thoughts is only the first part he told her you need the pixie dust for to work happy thoughts alone won't do it but they are a big part of flying.' Peter assured her.

'Any happy thought?'

'Any happy thought we have to make it really really happy,' he told her 'the happier the thought the higher you fly.'

'like... This?' She asked pressing her lips to his, Peter floated off the ground just a bit, a smile tugged at her lips as his feet dropped back down.

'Definitely like that.' he agreed. He licked his lips before returning back to Tinker Bell. 'Come on Tink help us out here it's time to go,' she begrudgingly came dumping pixie dust all over Rachelle's head it fell down her hair onto her shoulder is not to the floor she sneezed so much pixie dust falling down around her.

'Tinker Bell,' Peter said annoyed she just paraded around the room before waiting by the window

'I don't think she likes me.' Rachelle told him

'That's OK she doesn't really like anyone she is a bit of snob!' Peter told her and tink stomped about some more her little hands cross over her chest in protest. 'Come on now. Happy thoughts.' Peter urged.

'I can't think of a single thing,' she amused grabbing Peter's hand

'Well let me see if I can help you with that.' he said pressing his lips to his again and they both lifted off the ground.

Rachelle had never been in love before never entertained the idea because Targaryen's kept the bloodline pure and her older sister had already married there more handsome brother. She didn't want her life to be tied down to Dragon stone, her brother and her family name. She wanted to make a name for her so she wanted to explore an adventure and what a grand adventure be traveling to another land that she didn't even know about flying with a handsome boy made her feet lift off the ground.

Flying was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She felt like this right here was probably what it felt like to fly dragon.

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