5. Northern Men

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'Tyrion, meet my Aunt. Rachelle.' Danny said when Tyrion approached.


"Elle.' She corrected.

'Aunt?' Tyrion asked again. 'I thought you were the last...'

'She... went to a place.' Danny said awkwardly.

'Neverland.' Elle told him confidently. 'It runs on the fountain of youth,' Elle told him.

'So that is why no one knew you were still alive,' Tyrion said nodding slowly, Elle was not like Daenerys. Elle had a smile on her face and childlike wonder in her eyes.

'Nice to meet you Tyrion.' Elle said smiling down at him. 'is he your-'

'Heavens no.' Danny said immediately.

'No need to get so defensive, Tyrion is quite handsome.' Elle told her.

'Thank you,' Tyrion told her proudly.

'Forgive me my queen, the red priestess from ASSHAI has come to see you Grace.'

So they went to the throne room to meet the red priestess. Elle walked with curiosity as she ran her hands along the walls the dragons etched in the stone. She forgot how beautiful this place was.

'Queen Daenerys I was a slave once bought and sold scorched and branded is an honor to meet the breaker of chains.' The red woman said her eyes drifting to Elle, she heard there was only one Targaryen yet this girl, there was no doubt about it, she was a targaryen as well. Elle walked the room, she remembered a time when she was little and she would sit on the throne and bark orders at her nephews. Rhaegar was a year older than her but she adored him. He had been married off to Elia Martell... she would have to ask what happened how this rebellion of Robert Baratheon started.

'The red priestess helped bring peace to Meereen,' Daenerys was informed.

'Then you're very welcome here what are you doing here?' Daenerys questioned.

'I am here to serve.' the red woman said

'She once served another on the iron throne,' Varys warned 'it didn't end well for Stannis Baratheon, did it?'

'No.' she answered 'it didn't.'

'You chose an auspicious day to arrive a dragon stone we've just decided to pardon those who have served the wrong king,' Danny said looking to Varys 'You serve the lord of light... the Lord of light doesn't have many followers from Westeros does he?'

'Not yet but even those who don't wish do you know him.' The red woman assured.

'What does the lord of light want from me?' Danny questioned

'The night is long, only the prince who is promised will bring the Dawn.' She recited.

''The prince who is promised to bring the Dawn I'm afraid I'm not a prince,' Danny told her

'Your Grace I'm sorry but your translation is not quite accurate there is no gender in high valyrian so the translation would be the prince or princess would be promised at Dawn.' Messandei told her.

'Doesn't really roll off the tongue,' Tyrion teased

'and you believe this prophecy refers to me?' Danny pondered.

'Prophecies are dangerous thing,' the red woman told her 'I believe you have a role to play as does another the King in the north Jon snow.'

'Snow? Northmen ahh,' Elle let out a sigh. 'You know ned stark? He wasnt much older than i and i requested to marry him instead of my brothers.' Elle told them.

'Jon snow is neds bastard.' Tyrion told her

'Hot damn. What about those coincidences!' Elle exclaimed

'Ned stark helped robert lead the rebellion against our family,' danny told her

'Right right...' elle said looking around them. 'I mean I know you have been dealing with this war for a while but its just to me it is all new.' Elle told them 'so I'm sorry if I seem insensitive but...'

'A wise man once told me that anything said before the word but does not count.' Tyrion told her and elle cracked a smile

'But... my family was a bunch of cunts.' Elle told them. 'Power hungry monsters. Rhaegar was sweet though. He didnt care for power he was big lover. Liked to sing. Did you know your brother well?' Elle questioned

'No.' Danny answered. 'I was just a baby when he was murdered. 'She reminded Elle.

'Right... well i have lots of stories about him.' Elle told her 'if you ever want to hear it.' Elle added softly

'Ned stark was executed.' Tyrion added.

'Oh.' she said quietly.

'He married catelyn tully and they had many children. His eldest legitimate son called himself the king of the north. He is dead now too.' Danny told her arrogantly

'Well I always say... the world would be better if women were in charge.' Elle told her.

'Do you know him? This Jon snow? You speak as though you do' Danny questioned Tyrion.

'Yes I traveled to the wall with him when he went to join the nights watch.' Tyrion informed them.

'Why do you think the Lord of light signals out this Jon Snow? Aside from the visions she has seen in the flames?' varys questioned cautiously.

'As Lord Commander the nights watch he led the Wildlings south of the wall to protect them from the great danger as king of the north he has united those wildlings with the northern houses. Together we are faced with the uncommon enemy.' The red woman told them.

'He sounds like quite a man,' Elle agreed. 'Lets meet him.' Elle encouraged.

'Summon Jon Snow and I stand before you and tell you the things that of happened to him the things that he has seen with his own eyes,' the red woman said

'I can't speak to prophecies are visions in flames but I like Jon Snow and I trust him and I'm an excellent judge of character.' Tyrion told them 'if it goes well the north would make a valuable ally and the former bastard on the throne did execute his father and conspired to have his brother killed. Jon Snow has more reason to hate Cersei than you do.' Tyrion reminded her.

'Very well,' Danny agreed 'send a raven over to the north tell Jon snow that his queen invites him to come to Dragon stone and bend the knee.'

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