025|| the bandana

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Your pov
I sat in the dressing room by the mirror, a beautiful white gown tight around my body. My beautiful hair curled as it was let down, my make up clean and natural.

"Mija, you look so beautiful.." robins mom came up behind me smiling and kissing my cheek softly, not to leave a lip stick stain.

"One last touch" I said back taking robins bandana, tracing my fingers over it. The fabric broken but intact still in a good piece.

I'll never forget what we went through, how we survived and freed those tortured souls.

I tied the bandana around my wrist as I got up, I put the vail on. I stood up, never in a million years I would think that I'd been now 26 years old. Walking up to seeing finney in a tux waiting for me.

He wrapped his arm with mine as the big doors opened.

Robins pov
The pianist played as I stood there nervously, as the church doors opened.

Y/n beautiful as ever walking down the aisle with my best man finn, she looked so beautiful I couldn't help but be emotional.

She looked at me as she smiled softly walking up to the alter. She stood infront of me holding my hands. As finney went beside Vance by the alter.

Third person POV
The priest smiled at the two

"We are here to join these two lovely souls in holy matrimony, please say your vows"

Y/n smiled looking into robins eyes
"Robin, I knew from the start you were the one for me. Seeing me in the guys washroom with fin and protecting him, it was love at first sight. I never knew that a boy could make me feel this way, how you cared and protected me. With you I always felt safe, I love you." She finished with her voice cracking.

Robin smiled with a tear dripping down his face

"Y/n ever since I met you, I felt a pull to be with you. How we clicked together, how you smiled you stood everything about you i fell for. I never could think I'd end up being kidnapped with you giving me so much strength to survive. Without you I never thought I would but you with me is all I need to be happy in this life." He said smiling as you wiped his tears.

"Robin Arellano do you take y/n L/n, to be your lawfully wedded . promise to be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. will love her and honor her all the days of your life."

Robin smiled at you widely
"I do"

"Y/n L/n Do you  take,robin Arellano to be your husband. And promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life.

You smiled back

"I do"

"Please exchange rings"

You guys exchanged matching rings smiling

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride"

Robin pulled you in dipping you and kissing you the most passionately, HES ever done as everyone cheered happily.

You both knew you guys were fighters and were going to live happily ever after.

This is the end guys! Thank you for reading a voting! If you guys have any suggestions of what tbp characters to write about lmk! Thank you and love you guys!!!


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