017|| problems

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Your pov
Finneys drive me home, i sat in the back seat praying quietly that my father would be there waiting for me.

We pull up with finney giving me a hug good bye along with gwen. I walked into the house, empty..same as it was left..the balloons now deflated on the ground.

A frown fell upon my face "maybe he's upstairs sleeping" I say in my head with a hopeful voice. I walk up the stairs slowly going to the room where my father once resided.

I look to see it the it was...I headed to the closet opening it. Empty..except a note. My fingers pick it up softly in folding it carefully, reading.
"Dear my precious y/n
If you have read this you e realized I'm not back. Therefore..I'm not coming back, I've abandoned you, not out hatred but out of the fact. I cannot provide for us anymore, you are on your own now to survive. I couldn't fathom to tell you myself infront of you face.
I wish you well and I love you

Anger filled my lungs and vains iced with sadness and hurt.
He was all I had left, the only blood family. How could he do this..I could've helped gotten a job or something. But leaving me... the anger took over as I just took my pair of scissors cutting his face out of all the pictures.

I laid on the floor curled into a ball passing out with pictures around me.

Finns POV
I'm so glad that y/n and Robin are safe. All these weeks searching, Gwen's dreams came through.

Gwen looks at me smiling happily as we went to bed knowing our friends were now safe and sound


I woke getting ready for school,stretching and fixing my hair as gwen was waiting for me. I quickly grabbed a bagel and walked out the door, heading to y/nS house to pick her up.

We knock on the door to see y/n chirping smiling more then normal, that's odd for some reason I don't know how I feel about it. I mean she did escape the grabbers basement like yesterday, but I don't know something feels off.

We continued to walk as I stayed on the side while y/n and gwen takes about random things pros boy boys or something. We arrived at school as gwen went to her class i pulled y/n to the side

I look at her in a seriousness "cut the act WHATS up ?" I said sternly. She looks as me as her smiled dropped explaining everything.

All I could do was hug her and comfort her until an idea popped into my head.

"I mean I could ask my dad to take you in. He's known you since you were a baby!" I said thinking hopeful she'd agree to the idea

"Really Finney you'd do that for me" she said smiling as I nodded.

"I'll let you know by tomrorrow" i say before walking her to class then going to mine.

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