019|| answer

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Third person pov
Robin and y/n sat outside by a tree eating there lunches along with gwen and Finney.

"NO WAY THAT YOU CALLED DECTIVES FUCKINGN FARTKNOCKERS" I say bursting out laughing my ass off wheezing

Gwen nods in respond chuckling as robin and finney we're looking at you laughing.

"IM SORRY Y/n BUT YOUR LAUGH" Finney says making you and Robin laugh harder

Time skip to when school ends

You and robin walked out of the school hand in hand still.

"I'm gonna head to the grab n go see you later Robin" you say smiling and kissing his cheek walking off.

Robin smiled touching his cheek walking off acting cool until he was unseen as he punched the air letting out tiny whispered yesses

Your POV
I tense up walking, reaching out for robins hand remembering I'm alone. I was silently cursing to myself, as my eyes tracked my surroundings. Evey car I see makes me uneasy, everything feels like there watching me.

My legs move at a faster pace, arriving at the mini shop going inside immediately. Seeing no one but Vance. I quickly run up to me hugging him, he flinched and tried to push me away

"WHAT THE FUCK GET OFF-" he says in a annoyed voice

He turned around with his eyes widening.

"YOURE ALIVE HOLY SHIT YOURE." He looked at me hitting the back of my head

"Fucking duckweed left me here trying to break the machine" he said wrapping an arm around

"Missed you too vance" I say watching him play keeping an eye on the door still on guard.

I spent an hour with vance watching him play seeing the sun go down, i quickly hug vance good bye and head out.

I walk at the sun goes down, as my anxiety rises. I know we killed him and all but, walking alone..is scarier then before. It's like a piece of the grabber never left..maybe I'm overreacting.

I walk couple blocks from my house seeing as each of the street light turn on. I look around, in the corner of my eye I see someone walking. Almost like they were running at me, my breath and heart quickens and I move into a sprint running to finneys house. Which was three houses from where I stood.

Tears slid down my cheeks as I frantically banged on the door, ringing the door bell.

Finney quickly opened the door seeing me letting me in as I pushed through watching him close the door.

"Hey hey y/n what's wrong" he said to me hugging me closely

"I saw,he was" i say choking on my tears

"Hey he's gone he can't hurt you, i promise" finney held me closely as I sobbed into him trying to calm myself down.

"FINNEY WHATS ALL THIS-" Finneys dad came in yelling slurring his words.

Finneys dad saw me in my state crying crouching down to me height.

"I'm so sorry for your loss y/n/n" he said to me as finney just looked confused.

I just nodded and sniffled as he walked away leaving me and finney there.

"Gwen's at susies you can sleep in my room" he said softly holding my hand.

It's the same as I remember, nothing really changed at all. I laid on Finneys bed as he held me close like when we were kids. Both exhausted we fell asleep.

Planning on showing more y/n and Finn soon -author

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