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 "We're going to change our plan," Laith announced, making me set down the tea I was about to drink.

"What do you mean?" I quietly asked. Fear was already making its way to my heart. I had a feeling that he was up to no good.

"We're going to kill Zain soon." I paled upon hearing that. No, I would never let anybody hurt him.

"I don't think this is a smart move. How am I going to be a queen if he doesn't make me one?" I tried to play with the only card I had.

"That's not necessary anymore," he said, standing up. "People are against him. They don't like him. They won't mind seeing him dead. He is in fact hated in Carbilia and Vinadra. You're being given an opportunity on a silver platter."

This was an unwanted opportunity for me. I didn't want to hurt him. I could never hurt him. I would do anything to protect him, even if it meant having Laith as my enemy.

"Why don't we play it safe? It's easier if he makes me his queen. In this way, I will be able to sit on the throne with the least amount of trouble," I defended my choice.

"There will be no trouble. As I said, he isn't loved. I made sure of that. Didn't you see me in the market and followed me?" Ya Allah! He caught me. "Did you think that I wouldn't notice you, Nuriya?" he questioned in a menacing tone, approaching me. I slowly stood up, trying to find myself an exit to run away from him. "I raised you, Nuriya. I know your points of strength and weakness. Now, I have discovered a new point of weakness."

"You were being secretive. I just wanted to know what you were up to," I tried to reason with him and I also attempted to divert the conversation away from the 'point of weakness' thing. This was not going to end well.

"You could have asked." He was standing so close to me. "I have a feeling that you're fond of Zain." Shit! "I want you to put an end to my doubts," he continued talking. My heart was shaking in my chest.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Kill Zain today." My eyes widened upon hearing that.

"I'm against this idea. I would prefer to marry him first, then kill him. I want to stick to the original plan."

"But you'll marry him as Nuriya, not Sedra, which means you'll live like Nuriya forever" he pointed out. Fuck! He had a point. "Tell me, Nuriya. Have you fallen in love with him?"

"No," I lied, not looking him in the eye.

"Good," he nodded. "Then kill him."

The walls were closing on me. I was in a small cage and there was no way out. I was trapped. I only had two choices. I could either kill Zain or declare my love for him in front of Laith, which would result in him hunting me down until I was dead.

"I..." I didn't know what to say. I needed somebody to save me from that terrible situation I was in. "I can't kill him," I whispered, looking down. I had just declared war against myself by saying those words.

"Why?" His voice was so calm.

"Zain isn't his father. He's a good man," I defended him, finally looking at Laith only to be met with a harsh slap that resulted in a cut on my bottom lip.

"What do you think he will do if he finds out who you truly are, Sedra?" he spat my name out.

Zain would hate me forever, but he wouldn't hurt me. At least that was what I thought.

"He would forgive me," I murmured, earning a laugh from Laith.

"You stupid, naïve girl. Zain would stab you in the heart if he finds out who you truly are!"

No, he wouldn't. He told me he was nothing like his father and he wanted to right the wrongs of his father, so he would live in peace. He wouldn't hate me. I was sure of that.

"You're not going to kill him," I finally said. "I will protect him with my life."

"Then you're going to lose it."

For some reason, I didn't mind losing my life if it meant saving him.

"I will tell him who I am when the time is right." That was the last thing I said before storming out of the chambers. I had to find Zain. I needed his help in what I wanted to do. Only he could kick Laith out of the palace and I knew how to make him do that. 


I'm gonna start updating daily. I might even double update sometimes😍😍

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Published on September 2nd, 2022


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