Five: Zain

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Hosting this party wasn't an idea I welcomed with open arms, but I had to throw it because I had to find myself a wife. I had to find myself a queen, even if I didn't have time to breathe. The council had been pressuring me to find myself a wife as her presence would strengthen my image before my people and other kingdoms. I was the only king on the throne now with no wife.

Apparently having a woman by my side would indicate stability. An idea I would never understand. At twenty-four years old, I could safely say I had never found a woman I could consider a wife. In fact, I had never been in love. It's not like I had the time. From a very young age, I had been groomed to be a King. To rule two kingdoms. I had to be successful. I didn't have any other option. I was the only heir to the throne and when my father died, I had to ascend.

For years, I have dreaded this moment. The moment of his death, because it meant that I had to sit on a blood-stained throne. I had to deal with the hatred of the Vinadrian. Nobody forgot and no matter what my father did to eradicate his doings, nothing was strong enough to silence the rioting souls.

Yes, he managed to silence their protests, but he could never win them. The previous royals were loved. They were good to their people. The counsellors were always ready to sell their loyalty to whoever could pay them more. My father did buy them, but he failed to lure the people.

"Your Majesty, I have found you the perfect dance partner for tonight," my best friend and commander of the army, Feras, told me. He had been here for quite a while, watching the crowd, trying to find me the best person I could dance with. "Her name is Nuriya Al-Jazi. I have to tell you, she's quite a beauty too," Feras spoke highly of the lady I had not heard of before.

"Where is she?" I asked with no hint of interest. Neither did I want to dance with anyone, nor did I want to find a lady I could take as a wife. Necessities were just in control of me.

"Look to your right. She's the girl wearing a grey dress," he replied. Slowly, I craned my neck, attempting to catch a glimpse of the woman my best friend spoke highly of.

Upon laying my eyes on her, I knew that my best friend was not exaggerating. The girl was quite a beauty, a work of art. Not once had I seen such a stunning girl like her before. I frowned when I focused more on her. I believe she was the girl I saw standing on the balcony on her own, but I wasn't sure.

"She is indeed a beauty. Are you sure she can dance?" I wondered.

"I would never choose a bad partner for you, your Majesty," Feras smirked.

"It could be one of your pranks that you deem funny," I shrugged, earning a chuckle from him.

"Not when you're already on edge," he assured me. At least my best friend was sensible.

I approached the girl, trying to do my best not to appear bothered by the whole ball idea. Upon standing in front of her, she curtsied and looked down for a few seconds, before looking at me again. I had to suck in my breath. She had the most captivating hazel eyes I had ever witnessed. I bowed, giving her the respect she deserved. "Lady Nuriya Al-Jazi, would you do me the pleasure and be my partner on the first dance?"

"I would be honoured, Your Majesty," she said. Her voice was soft. It suited her. I took her hand in mine. Her delicate skin felt smooth against my calloused hand that I feared I might hurt her with the roughness of mine.

She was a great dancer, she was aware of every move she made. It felt good to dance with her. Despite how many times she broke our eye contact, I managed to study her facial features.


She was a beauty. If my eyesight was correct, she was the lady I saw standing on the balcony last night.

"Are you the lady I saw standing on the balcony yesterday?" I asked her, breaking the silence between us.

"I admire your sharp eyesight, Your Majesty," she said, giving me a smile. Her lips were plump.


"I also noticed that you did not show up at dinner last night. Is there a particular reason behind your absence?" Surely, I would have remembered her if I had seen her last night, but she wasn't there. Why wasn't she?

"I sincerely apologize for my lack of appearance last night. I felt unwell after the long journey from Elendra to Vinadra. It has taken its toll on me. I deeply apologize again if my absence bothered your Majesty." I had been to Elendra more than once. Although most women there were beautiful, I didn't think I had ever met a woman there with such beauty as hers. Her beauty wasn't Elendrian. If anything, it was Vinadrian.

"I would have definitely preferred having such a beautiful lady attending dinner, but so long as your absence provided you with the rest you needed, then I can live with that." My own words took me by surprise, but how could a man have control over himself when a masterpiece was a couple of inches away from him? "However, I'm hoping you can make it up to me."

"How would you like me to do that?" There was a fire in her eyes. A kind of fire I couldn't understand but was determined to decipher.

"Save at least three dances for me and accept my dinner invitation on Monday." I wanted to spend more time with her. I wanted to get to know her. Silently, I hoped that her mind was as beautiful as her face. 


Yes, I'm going to give you his point of view, too! ^_^ 

I hope you're enjoying the story so far! 

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Published on July 5th, 2022


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