Seventeen: Zain

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I had been kissed before on the lips, but no kiss could ever be as good as having Nuriya kissing me on the cheek. When her soft lips met my cheek, I wondered how they would taste on my lips and suddenly, kissing her was the only thing I ever wanted.

She agreed. I was going to ask her father the first thing in the morning. If I could wake him up at this unforgiven hour to ask him, I would. It had been a while since I last felt this happy. She had this effect on me like no other. Not once had somebody made me this happy.

I knew something was different about her the moment I noticed her standing on the balcony. She was radiant. Stunning. When we danced, I felt a unique connection between us. Something was pulling me towards her and I just... I couldn't get her out of my mind. She was all that I could think about.

My soul was starting to get attached to her when I saw her playing on the piano. She was completely lost in her own world and at that moment, I wanted to be a part of her world. I wanted her to allow me into her mind even if it was for a few minutes.

I loved who I was when I was with her. I was always at ease with her, doing whatever I wanted, not afraid of being judged.

I forgot how to breathe when she had a panic attack in the tunnels. I wanted to take off her blindfold. I was willing to do anything to see her calm down. I never wanted to see her in that state again. She was vulnerable as she held onto me. I didn't know what was going on in her mind, but it felt like the tunnels triggered a terrible memory. Part of me wanted to know what was going on with her, but I also wanted her to forget anything that would be a source of distress for her.

The way we danced in the tavern would always be a memory carved in my heart no matter what. In fact, that night would always live in my mind until I take my very last breath. Everything about Nuriya was unforgettable and I wanted her in every possible way. I wanted to hold her and kiss her.

She made it so easy for me to forget that I was a king with her. She didn't see me as a monster when I talked to her about how I was hated by Vinadrians. She didn't judge me. She accepted me and listened to me. It had been so long since I had somebody like that. She was all that I wanted and I was petrified that I was thinking with my heart, not my brain.

I saw red when that thief held the knife against her neck. I could barely control myself when I saw the sharp metal making contact with her delicate skin. I was going to give him anything he wanted as I didn't want her to witness any violent act, but he violently jerked her body when she whimpered and I lost it. I could not imagine somebody hurting her. I had to hurt him for hurting her and I had no regret. Once my knife struck his shoulder, I pulled her away and ran. I would have stayed behind and ripped him apart, but she was with me and she was not supposed to witness such violence. I took her out to have fun, not to witness bloodshed and fights.

When I woke up the next morning, excitement filled me. Another day where I would see her beautiful face. I was going to ask her father today. I was very nervous, like a schoolboy who was about to admit his feelings to the girl he had been having a crush on for so long.

After having breakfast and getting dressed, I sent one of my servants with a letter to her chambers, requesting a meeting with her father. I wanted to court her for a month or two and if all went well, I was going to ask for her hand in marriage.

A servant informed me that Feras was about to walk inside. I ordered all my guards and servants that Feras had the right to walk inside any room I was in without permission.

"Good morning," he said, taking a seat opposite mine. "You look ecstatic. I'm guessing a lady named Nuriya is behind this happiness," he smirked and I chuckled in response. He knew me too well.

"Yes, she is indeed the reason behind my happiness," I affirmed. "In fact, I'm going to ask her father for his permission to court her. If all goes well, I will ask for her hand in marriage soon."

"I have never seen you like this," he commented, helping himself to the cake on the table.

"Because I have never met somebody like her before," I said. "You don't understand what she is doing to me. Whenever she is somewhere, I don't see anyone but her in that place. When she smiles at me, it's like a painkiller for any sort of pain I'm in."

"Wow... how did she manage to do that to you in a matter of days?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "But I don't mind whatever she is doing. She makes me look forward to the next day."

"I'm certainly hoping this is not some kind of black magic," he joked, making me laugh.

As we were talking, a servant walked inside with a letter from Lord Laith. I had been impatiently waiting for his response.

In my letter, I invited him for tea at noon. Surely, I was not going to ask for his permission to court his daughter over a letter. I had morals, but none of them were taught by my father.

If anything, I wanted to forget everything he had ever taught me. 


Another chapter from his point of view! I'm so determined to make you love him more :D

I hope you're loving the plot so far!

Published on July 26th, 2022


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