Andre nodded. "That's the thing, Rahul. It's been two days and at this point, every small lead is a lead. It is a gamble. We are not sure if she is manhandled by them or not. But a gamble is a gamble. Either we do it right now, or we don't at all. As I was saying, we found the same man near the private terminal of Charles de Gaulle airport this morning with four other men. Including someone whose profile matches the description of the man, Rahul showed us. We are not sure if he is the one, but we. gotta go there and see."

Papa had a stoney face, staring at me straight in the eyes. I realised everyone was looking at me after a second, watching me, observing me for the final say in all of this. "Well, I want to stand up to the name of my family. To save her, we are doing whatever it takes. And honestly, two days is a long time. I can't fucking live another day without seeing my hummingbird."

Rahul huffed, as he stood up and walked to the exit door. Clutching the knob, our eyes met with a smirk on his lips which did not reach his eyes. I stood up too, followed by papa and everyone.

"You know that there are some goons at the airport right now? And the airport is two hours away." Mark, who I forgot was there, said to me.

I turned my head, clenching my jaw as I took two big steps in front of him. "You know that you are the chief security? Bring your men. I am going there, and Andre I need a report of every second."

"And. what am I supposed to do?" Papa asked.

"You are supposed to stay back here and handle the work, papa. This is my fight. I know what I am doing."

We held our gaze for a second, in the meantime everyone left the office room, leaving father-son alone. He frowned, a sad smile pulling up his lips as he came forward and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. I put my chin on his shoulder, blowing a deep sigh I didn't know I was holding. As if the warmth and protection of my father hit me in the gut at full speed, the castle of my emotions crumbled. Just like that, I did not hold back the tear that dropped on his shoulder. Our height was the same. His hand rubbed my back, sending waves after waves of comfort and assurance. Assurance that whatever happened now, he would be there for me. No words were spoken for a minute. Just the hug.

He pulled away, palm resting on my shoulder as I looked at him with blurry eyes. The sides of my head hurting like a bitch. "I-I didn't mean to cry. I am sorry."

His thumb wiped my eyes, smiling at me like he used to do whenever I was doubting myself or needed him to be my father. As my confidante, and not some friend. "Crying doesn't make you weak. She is going to be okay. She has to be okay because trust me the love you both share... you find it once in a life."

My face twisted into a sob with a deep frown on my forehead. "There are so many unsaid things between us, papa. I haven't even told her how much I am in love with her. I am afraid, if-if something happens to her, I don't want our last memory to be a fight."

He nodded, squeezing my left shoulder. "When you were in your mother's belly, she did not tell me about you. Well, because I did something, but things turned out dirty after that. Long story short, I have been through what you are going on now. In these hard times, only your hopes and actions can keep you going. We never know what is going to happen. But, we need to make sure that we act before the worst of our nightmares turn true. Go, and bring her back home."

I laughed sarcastically. "Home. She told me Paris is not her home. And she want to leave me because we kissed. I mean, that's what our conversation summed up to."

"Oftentimes, we don't say what we think. And we don't mean what we say. Right now, focus on bringing her back, son. You will have a lifetime to convince her about the real home." papa said. "Now, go and give me back my third most favourite person. I kinda miss my second daughter."

I rolled my eyes, laughing as I stepped back. Nodding to him, I turned around and exited the office. I am coming to get you, baby. Just stay strong.


The cold air hit my face as I quickened my pace to the aircraft with Andre's shared details. A white private gets parked in the 5th private terminal with no men as of now. It was to take off in a few hours.

With no one in the sight of the empty runway, I and Rahul quickly moved toward the jet.

On our way here, Andre's man called me and informed me that the jet had been there for three days. It was supposed to be a cargo jet to deliver goods across the world, with no passenger in sight, but a few members of the crew. What was more suspicious was that nothing had been loaded into it other than only one container.

As Andre mentioned, it was a gamble. Rahul's father could be anywhere with Aisha, but one last chance. I did not let fear dance in my brain as I stepped up the stairs.


The aircraft entry gate was open with muffled voices coming from inside. Rahul froze in his place on the second step, looking at me with wide eyes.

"It's him," he whispered.

Without warning, he forward and started walking inside with feather-light touches.

My heartbeat fastened as I entered. And my entire world froze around me. White interior with four front chairs followed by a black container. The little door was open with two men standing with their backs to our faces. Other than the luxurious private jet, and other things in the plane, my breath caught in my lungs when my eyes landed on the space between two men.

Sensing the presence of others, they turned around with wide eyes. One of the men, I recognized instantly as Rahul's father. Indeed a monster forged in the pits of hell with that salt paper hair and peacock nose. Thin lips curled up as the old eyes landed on his son.

"You are just on time to go back home, Rahul," Sunil said with a laugh.

Ignoring the urge to twist his neck in one smooth motion, I re-focused my attention on Aisha. Laying on the floor in the metal container with an oxygen mask around her nose, her eyes were half closed. Swollen and blood running down her eyebrows. A big dent on her forehead, and pink and purple marks. I saw some red marks on her shirt as well which was torn into pieces with dirt lurking here and there. My blood evaporated from all the boiling.

I lifted my eyes from her to Sunil slowly. His browed knitted as he looked at me.

"I didn't know you had friends in Paris, son," he said looking at me and then at his son.

"I am not your son. The only father figure I ever had... has died years ago." Rahul said through gritted teeth as he stepped forward and punched his father in the face.



You guys are not commenting or reviewing the story as much. Are you not enjoying it? Am I doing something wrong? Please tell me.

What do you think is gonna happen now? I liked the two aspects of parental relationships in this chapter. How Alex and Aaron are with each other... and then there is Rahul and Sunil. But, I always loved the bond Aaron shared with his father.

I wish I had that kinda comfort with my dad. The only love language he knows is bringing me 100s of bananas because I said I liked eating them.

God! What has he done to Aisha?

Tell me your thought.

Leave a review too if you are loving the story.

Much love,

Taniya Sharma( ta_Bloomfield)

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