Chapter 37

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महाभूतान्यङ्ककारो बुद्धिरव्यक्त मेव |
इन्द्रियाणि दशैकं पञ्च चेन्द्रियगोचरा: |

mahā-bhūtāny ahankāro buddhir avyaktam eva cha
indriyāṇi daśhaikaṁ cha pañcha chendriya-gocharāḥ

The field of activities is composed of the five great elements, the ego, the intellect, the unmanifest primordial matter, the eleven senses (five knowledge senses, five working senses, and the mind), and the five objects of the senses.


Aaron's POV

Two days.

Two fucking days since we know anything about Aisha.

And it was safe to say I was on the verge of losing my sanity. Rahul was nothing better, continuously contacting his resources in India and other neighbouring countries. As far as his hands could reach.

That man loved his sister to no limits.

Driving back home after another false alarm from Andre's resources, Rahul and I stayed silent in the back seat. In a gist of 48 hours, life showed its true colours. Growing up, even though my family provided me with love and support, they never showed me a direct path to my destinations.

It was all me. All those years, it was me who had figured out what my heart desired and how I could grab it. I was balanced. Until that one night, I saw her shadow dancing in the window. Until the next, my eyes met hers big eyes, wide but mischievous. We had been made for each other. She was the day, I was the night. In the times of coldness of my heart, she was the sense of warmth in it.

And now that she was taken away from me under my fucking nose, there was space in the crowd of millions.

The silence broke down when my phone rang. Andre. I put it on speaker, and I answered "Yes?"

"We have found her. Come to the office right now."

My head snapped at Rahul. His eyes were wide, hope shining like a lone star on the new moon. Something similar grew in me, too. But that was far smaller than the heat rushing in my veins. The kind of heat which would burn every fucking inch of the lovely uncle.


Standing in the middle of the office, I stared blankly at Andre. Papa, Mark and Rahul sitting on the couch to my right side. Tension thickened the surrounding in a suffocating embrace. Andre sitting across from me on the single sitting couch, the centre table placed between us, opened his laptop.

My heartbeat quickens when he opened his mouth and started speaking.

"So, uh- Phenoix mafia had a strange request from someone outside the country a few days ago," he said, four pairs of eyes solely connected to his face. "Someone has given ample amount of money to hire five of their men to do a kidnapping. No more information is other than that. And then, one of my men found a video of their man around your apartment area."

I sighed, never leaving his gaze. Ignoring the echo of the heart in my ears, I focused my attention on Andre.

Rahul shifted a little to the back, frowned and lost in his thoughts. "You said you have found her. And still, you are not sure about anything. We need to know where she is. If she is-"

He did not complete the sentence, but it was loud and clear. If she is alive? Safe? Surviving until we come to her? Nobody dared to say anything, but their faces expressed it. Even though I had been pushing those fears to the back of my mind, I knew reality would come crashing up to me soon. Until then, I would love to be the rock heart beast roaming the streets of Paris to find the monster.

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