Chapter 27

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कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥

karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchana
mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr mā te saṅgo 'stvakarmaṇi

You only have a right to action (karma) and not to the fruits of your karma. Do not become a person who constantly meditates upon (gets attached to) the results of one's karma. Do not get attached to inactivity (no karma). 


Aaron's POV 

Aisha left the room like air mixed with smoke. There was no trace of hers. But, her scent lingered in my blood and around my heart. I could smell her as much as I could feel her in my arms. Not a second passed between us when Rahul decided to barge in and ruin the moment I was having with her. For the past two months, I had been going berserk because my best friend was giving all of her time to her long-lost brother. 

I was days away from kidnapping her to listen to her non-stop bantering. That crazy little hummingbird. 

Rahul came forward from the doorway, one of his hands in the pocket of his pant. He looked at me with narrowed eyes, ready to kill and eat but too bad. He had no idea what I was capable of. That I was raised by a devil, and an angel. 

"I warned you to stay away from her," Rahul said, gritting his teeth. 

I raised my right brow, folding my arms around the chest. Rolling the tongue over my teeth, I straightened my back. "And I told you I am not gonna do anything like that," 

He took a step closer to me, his nose flaring in anger. One of the vines on his neck popped out. "You know nothing, Aaron. Stay away from her." 

I unfolded my arms, and tugged the palms into the pocket of my pants."Can everyone stop using that phrase? I know more than enough about my best friend. The irony is, that she has told me more than enough. And, what is your problem?" 

He snorted, as he shook his head, taking another step in my direction. I held my chin high in the air. "MY problem? My problem is her safety. My problem is that she is naive and doesn't know what she wants. And, I don't like the way you look at her." 

"First of all, Rahul, she is not a problem. And as far as her safety is concerned, you have no idea how far I can go. And keep your personal opinions to yourself. Among us, it is you who don't know anything about your sister. Not me." 

"Really? Then tell me, can you take a bullet for her?" 

I clenched my jaw. "I will fire a bullet for her." 

"Smart thing, but that does not guarantee her safety. You have no idea how difficult it was for me to save her and send her here. What I had been through just for her." 

"And still, Rahul. Still, you forgot to call her, to tell her that you miss her. I hope you realise how alone she felt months back. What she did to get away from that loneliness," I said. 

His brows knitted in confusion. "Make your distance from her." 

"I would rather die before doing that," 

His eyes softened a bit, the frown on his face relaxing as he smirked. "You are falling in love with my sister. Don't you?"

"None of your business. We are best friends and she needs me, that is it." 

"I am a politician in the world's biggest democracy. I know when people are faking their emotions, Aaron." 

"Well, then good for you. It shows how pathetic of a brother you are to Aisha. You did everything right but forgot to cherish the girl. You let your father touch her even when you were away. You sent her-no, you threw her away like an insect from your drink. What the fuck do you expect from her and everyone around you? She worships the ground you walk. And yet, you came here after years. You called her for what? One or twice a year? She needed the confirmation that she is not alone for the past four years, and you failed terribly at assuring her, Rahul. So, don't give me this attitude and ask me to keep my distance from her. I will go insane. And insane me is dangerous." 

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