"Really, Simba?" I say.

"You know I'm giving you shit, Chase. You don't remember high school?"

"You thrived off messing with people," Max said, "especially when Chase ad I were trying to do something."

Simba laughed. "Yup. I was a major asshole to you guys."

"How we put up with you is beyond me," I say.

"We all put differences aside when we were out on the football field," Max said.

"I hardly have any clue as to what the hell you all are talking about," Kristina said.

"Sports and high school related things," Max said.

"I figured that much," Kristina said, "I'm not that clueless."

"Sorry," Max said in defense.

"So, Max, where's Andrew?" I ask.

"He's in class at the moment."

"What about you?" Simba asked.

"I don't have another class until 4."

"I got another one in 30 minutes," I chimed in.

"Well, I gotta head to my second class. See you guys later," Kristina said.

"See you later," I say.

"I'm gonna go with her," Simba said.

"Alright. Later, dude," Max said.

"See ya," I say.

"You want lunch or anything, Chase?"

"Umm, yeah sure. It'll be fun."

Max and I head to a fast food restaurant. It was relatively close to the university. I had ten minutes before I needed to get going. I set my stuff down next to me while Max went and ordered.

It was nice to have a reunion with my friends. I honestly did miss them. They made high school interesting.

I also found it funny my best friend is dating my boyfriend's best friend. The double dates will sure as hell be interesting.

"Here you go," Max said, sliding a tray of my food on the table. He set his tray in front of him.

"Thanks, dude," I said. I quickly devour my food.

"Damn! Did you even taste it?"

"It was just THAT good." I laughed. "I gotta get to class. I appreciate the lunch. Thank you, Max."

"Not a problem. See you later."

"See ya." I grab my things and head off to finish my day.

"Do you honestly think I'm leaving for Australia without saying goodbye to you first," Sky said as I entered X and Sky's apartment.

"I suppose not," I reply, "You guys leave tomorrow moring, correct?"

"That is correct," X said. "Not looking forward to those hours on that bloody plane."

"The jet-lag?" I ask.

"Yup," Sky said.

"Well, that just leaves Austin and I."

"I'm sure you two can manage yourselves," Sky said, hugging me.

I laugh. "Yeah. I plan on visiting Luke. I can have him meet Austin."

"Yeah, good plan. We didn't get to see them while they were awake, but we will see them eventually."

"I am curious to meet this Luke fellow," X said.

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