Chapter 1: Start Line

Start from the beginning

"And why don't you learn to fucking leave when someone tells you!" he spat, rage bringing his anger to a boiling point. "You really think I want to spend any time with you bastards!? Get—get the hell outta my life!"

Explosions rocketed out through rigid fingers, blood pounding in his ears. "Got nothing to say to that, hah? Get lost already!"

"Uh, K-Katsuki—"

"If you're gonna say something, don't make it so damn worthless!" he growled, stepping closer. "Leave me the hell alone. I've been asking you for—"

"Katsuki, behind—!"

"Oh, finally gettin' the fucking point and leaving, hah?!"

Why are you shits only getting it—

"Ha... ha."

He froze.

Wha—what—no, no, this isn't—not now, it can't—

"That's a powerful quirk you have..." the new voice gargled from behind. "Oh, yes... and the perfect size for a nice little disguise, too."

His eyes were blown wide, words lodged in his throat as his legs went stiff, unmoving.
Why can't I move, wait, no, what—

Slime pooled around his ankles as every bone in his body turned to brittle ice.

"Get—g-get the fuck away from me!" he shouted, weaker than he'd expected. "The hell do you think you're do—!"

But before he could say another word, something awfully, horribly disgusting was in his mouth, choking, suffocating, killing—

"It'll only take about forty seconds as long as you stay relaxed—don't fight it, kid."
F-Fight... no, I—I have to fight this! I-I can't just—let this—

He wasn't even aware that he'd started setting off explosions. One by one, desperation blurring everything together, screaming at the top of his lungs in the hope that somehow, in some way, it would help. There was no choice. This was sudden, too sudden, even for—

I can't think about that right now! I don't have a fucking choice, do I? Get—get your fucking ass in gear! You're not pathetic, are you? ARE YOU!?

Sludge shoved its way down his throat, every crevice of his body screaming at the foreigner to get out, GET OUT! But no, he couldn't think about just how violated he felt, not as slime sunk into every corner of his skin and forced itself everywhere it possibly could.

Get out, get out, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!

Katsuki yanked his head away, gasping for any bit of feeble air he could get before the villain's protrusion dove back into his throat again, because that's what this was—a villain.

"Oh, you wanna play hard to get?" The villain laughed, bone-chilling and distorted. "Hah, the feisty ones... those are always the most fun to use!"

I-I'm not a fucking plaything!

He wrenched himself away for a split second, lungs burning as he tried to keep himself awake, alive—even if just for a little while longer. His hands strained at the edge of green ropes, blasting away as much as he could, begging that the sound of broken glass and kindling around him meant the villain was going down, down.

Let go, let go! I-I have a goddamn career ahead of me! I have shit I need to do, fucker!

He screamed again, ragged and utterly raw before an even thicker wad of slime tore his mouth to shreds, dragging desperate, dirty tears from the corners of his eyes. Adrenaline was his only lifeline, every limb moving on its own. As much as he wanted to stay calm, wanted to stay composed and controlled, his body was reacting like a wildfire and would burn till there was nothing left to incinerate.

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