"Ill Smash Your Head In!!"

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Sherlock walked to the door. He took a deep breath and walked outside. Liam was standing there. He was snickering with his group of goons. He looked up and saw Sherlock. He shooed the group away and walked towards him.

"Hey, what did you wanna tell me?" Liam asked.
"I- um.." Sherlock looked at him. He breathed out.

"I like you..." the second those words came out of his mouth, he regretted it. Liam's face moulded into a shock like emotion. Sherlock instantly felt that he didn't like him anymore. He stopped blushing.

"I-..I didn't mean that..never mind, actually." Sherlock started to walk away, but a strong arm grabbed him.
"You..like me?" Liam asked slowly.

"Er..-" Sherlock stuttered. Then all of a sudden his goons came around the corner laughing. Sherlock's mouth opened. Liam looked at him.

"You like me?!" He sniggered. It wasn't a nice laugh. It seemed like he was angry but also teasing him. Sherlock face palmed himself.
"Oh boy have you gotten all big and 'confident' haha!" Liam joked. It didn't seem like a joke.
"Gay freak!!" A kid from the back of the group shouted, then a chant started up.
Liam grabbed his phone and opened the camera. Sherlock noticed this and got riled up.

He smacked the phone out of his hand. It fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.
Everyone stopped. Liam stared at him, hatred in his eyes.

"You..you bitch!!" He shouted. Sherlock didn't feel sorry. He sneered at him.

Liam dived for him, which made Sherlock lose his balance. He hit his head. When he sat up he was dizzy. All he could see was the faded fuzzy like image of Liam and his goons walking toward him.

They all took turns in punching Sherlock, every hit they went for, they shouted the same things over and over again.
"Gay freak! Haha!"
"Fucking gay freak!!"

Sherlock couldn't move, his vision had gone all blurry. He could see red all over his hands. A second later, Liam was dragged back.

Sherlock tried to open his eyes but they were so tired. He wished Mycroft was there for him...

"OI. BASTARD!" a familiar voice shouted. Sherlock tried to sit up. He opened his eyes a crack and could see the outline of John, beating up Liam. The goons were backing away as they saw all the damage that was being done to their leader.

"GET.THE.FUCK.AWAY.FROM.HIM.!" He shouted, every word for every punch. Liam screamed in pain.


"John..." Sherlock croaked.

"ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" he kept on shouting. Liam was shouting in agony at every punch, kick and slap John gave him.

"John.." Sherlock whispered a little louder.

"ILL SMASH YOUR HEAD IN, YOU FUCKING GIT!" One last kick to the chest and he stopped. Liam was whimpering in pain. His goons helped him up and they ran off. John dashed over to Sherlock.
"Sherlock, Sherlock buddy can you hear me?!" He said, gently shaking him.

"J-John...!" Sherlock whispered before blacking out.
"No, no! Sherlock listen to me! Fuck, fuck fuck! Somebody help me!!" He screamed.
"Please!' Help!!! He's injured badly!!!"


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