Chapter 27

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Some of you wanted to see a jealous Tanjiro moment, so buckle up buckaroo ;)


Three months had passed. Three whole months since they defeated Gyutaro and the belt demon. And three months since Amaya had slipped into a coma. It happened right before Kakushi had stormed onto the battlefield, the four friends having passed out while they were hugging closely, while Uzui had already been taken away by his wives. Their injuries were very bad after all and the Kakushi that came out to help were shocked to find the district so messed up.

But even despite their wounds, Zenitsu had already woken up one week after the fight and he was busy with his own solo missions as of now, despite how much he hated it. Inosuke was the next person to wake up, nearly two months asleep was all he needed to get back on track it seemed. And up until now, Tanjiro was the last one to wake up, besides Amaya. He had regained consciousness one week after Inosuke and was ready to get back out there within one single week.

He gave his all in recovery training, the Entertainment District had really messed with his head. He wanted to get stronger so he wouldn't let his friends get hurt anymore. Besides, he needed to be in tiptop shape if he wanted to protect Amaya, the girl he loved. He hadn't been able to get her confession or their kiss out of his mind and he definitely wasn't complaining. So he didn't think twice about visiting her by her bed every single evening and night, refusing to leave her side.

He'd been going to see her every night for a whole month, either sitting in silence or just telling her about his day, because somewhere in the back of his mind, he felt like she was listening closely. Every so often he brought Nezuko along, because it was clear that the small demon missed being able to hang around the purple-haired beauty. She would whine all day long from her box, refusing to sleep if Tanjiro didn't bring her with him half the time, so the sweet boy couldn't possibly refuse those puppy eyes.

The same went for Zenitsu or Inosuke, who both had been busy doing their own things, but visited whenever they had the chance. Amaya's mentor, Ichiro, had also been coming by pretty often which was only natural. It gave Tanjiro a chance to talk with him a little more, the hashira sharing some of Amaya's stories from before Tanjiro had met her, which the boy found really entertaining to listen to.

He learned that Amaya didn't like it when people spoke with their mouths full, how she secretly enjoyed being able to read letters she'd receive from other demon slayers or how she had a habit of chewing on her cheek when she felt guilty, nervous or ashamed of something. Tanjiro enjoyed hearing these fun little facts and stories about her, so he always looked forward to the days where Ichiro would be joining him in Amaya's room.

Today however, he hadn't been able to go. He had been assigned to a solo mission to defeat a demon that was causing a ruckus in the woods nearby, and although he was excited to get started again, he was disappointed to have left his streak of visiting Amaya so short. But what really annoyed him, was how his crow had given him the message that Amaya had woken up from her coma, right when he wasn't there to see her.

He was glad his crow alerted him of this fact after he had defeated the demon he had been searching for, so now, he could go straight back to the Demon Slayer Corps to see Amaya. He had been aching for this moment, so he would get to see her eyes again. Or rather, eye. Her right eye had been covered with a thick patch because it was bleeding so heavily, so Tanjiro was nervous for the possible medical outcomes of this. But he'd support her no matter what, that wasn't easy to come to terms with.

At least he'd finally be able to tell her how he felt about her. He hadn't been able to do so right after she told him she loved him, because they were stupidly interrupted, but now that she was awake, he'd be able to do so! Finally, he'd be able to get these feelings off his chest and he couldn't be more excited. His heart raced when he ran through the gates of the Corps, curtly nodding his head to any by-passers before heading straight to the Butterfly Mansion, where Amaya resided.

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