Chapter 1

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Amaya huffed as she landed back on her two feet, her dark purple and blue sword tightly in her grasp. She glared at the demon in front of her, watching as it snapped its dismembered arm back in place while strange strangled noises escaped its lips. The 15 year old demon slayer scoffed as she weaved her sword around, its movements fluid that showed off her growing talent. Without warning, the demon charged at her as it roared in anger, obviously frustrated that it hadn't been able to land any solid hits to the girl. It jumped high in the air, raising its arm to try and slash Amaya with its talons.

Amaya only sighed as she watched the demon speed towards her, getting into a stance as she carefully held her sword. "Star breathing, first form: dazzling galaxy", muttered the girl before a bright light obscured their vision. In one smooth move, Amaya dodged the demon's attack and swung her sword up in the process. Just one clean slice was needed to chop the demon's head right off it's shoulders while Amaya calmly placed her sword back in its sheath seconds after her attack. She sighed as the demon's headless body fell to the ground with a loud thud, its head rolling until it reached Amaya's feet.

Amaya stared at the demon's head for a while, her gaze cold and lifeless as it began to decay. She sighed while shaking her head, turning around to walk away from the scene. "You demons never learn", muttered the girl, but the demon she had defeated had already disintegrated. The sky was dark once Amaya stepped outside, the moonlight illuminating the trees just slightly. It was cold that night, the seasons just shifting between autumn and winter. Amaya always liked the colder season, thinking that the sting of the cold on her nose made her feel at least something. She breathed out a tired sigh, her breath visible because of the cold.

The girl slowly began her way back to her home, her gaze impassive as she walked. She reached around, tugging the sides of her purple and blue haori closer over her chest. She may enjoy the colder seasons, but that doesn't mean the temperature doesn't make her shiver. Her sandals stepped on frozen leaves, hearing them crunch under her weight. She kept herself busy with those sounds during her long trip home, the girl estimating that she'd be home by noon. A few hours passed in complete silence, the only sounds being the enjoyable crunch of leaves and the rustling of the trees because of the fresh wind.

The sun had risen about half an hour ago, the sky now being a pretty orange and pink color while the birds awakened. Amaya sighed as she looked up, only to see a small bird crossing her path. She stopped in her tracks for a second to admire the petite animal, a memory unwillingly forcing its way into her mind.

"Look Ama! You see that bird over there?", asked Hinata, Amaya's older brother, kindly as he put a hand on her shoulder, pointing towards the fluffy white bird that was sitting quietly on a branch. 5 year old Amaya's eyes sparkled as she gasped in wonder, wanting to run towards the animal, only to be pulled back by her brother. She looked over her shoulder and pouted, causing the older boy to chuckle as he gently pat her head. "You'll scare it if you run up to it like that. They're shy creatures, so you must always treat them with patience and care", informed her brother, while Amaya watched him with wide curious eyes.

She slowly looked back towards the small bird, watching as it began pecking at its own feathers. She pointed towards the bird, keeping her distance since her brother had told her the creature would get scared. "What is his name?" asked the girl innocently and her brother couldn't help but chuckle at her question. "It's called the Shima Enaga. It's a common bird in Japan and it's know for its cuteness. And you know what else? They only grow to about 15 centimeters! That's even smaller than Akio", spoke her brother, making Amaya awe in surprise. "Waah! Even smaller than little brother! That's very tiny!" exclaimed the girl as Hinata chuckled and grasped her hand into his.

Unforgiving World (Tanjiro x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن