Chapter 2

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"Where the hell are these demons?"

Amaya kicked against a small pebble on the ground in frustration. She'd been walking around for a while now, trying to get a feel of any demons in the area, but she still hadn't had any luck. It was already way past midnight so it was starting to annoy Amaya that demons still hadn't shown up. She had hoped she could get this mission over with quickly, but it seemed like this would take multiple days instead. She sighed as her hand came up to brush some stray hairs out of her face, an annoyed glare on her face. "I guess I'll walk around these alleys again..." muttered the girl to herself before continuing her walk.

She thought it was strange. She had received some extra info from her crow during her trip to Tokyo. The animal had told her a few strong demons were spotted in the large city, but despite there being more than one demon, she still came up empty-handed. It bothered her, thinking that these demons might just be brutally murdering someone right at this moment and she would've never known about it. She rounded another corner, messing around with the handle of her sword until she suddenly heard a set of different voices, making her freeze as she listened closely and felt the air around her. She quickly noted that there were two demons around this corner.

"How should we kill them, I wonder? I'm overflowing with power. Thanks to all the blood he shared with me", laughed a feminine voice from around the corner, the sounds of a ball hitting the floor following the sentence. Amaya's eyes narrowed in anger at the mention of him. Muzan Kibutsuji. The demon feared by every demon and every human. Legend says that he can create demons using his own blood and judging from these demons, that theory was true. That reminded her. Tanjiro, the boy she met earlier, told her that his sister had been turned into a demon. Was that Muzan's work too? And the fact that this demon spoke of him, did that mean they were part of the 12 kizuki?

Amaya shook her head, she couldn't think about that right now. She had to make sure these demons wouldn't be able to sense her, or she would already start at a disadvantage. For now, she'd follow them around for a while. "We're going to slay them brutally of course", spoke a second voice, its tone indicating that the other demon was a male. Amaya waited a little while longer, but by the sound of it, the demons weren't around anymore. She couldn't feel them anymore either. She slowly looked around the corner, but quickly found the alley to be empty. The girl was left confused, a sturdy wall staring back at her. This alley had a dead-end, so where could these demons have gone?

Amaya crouched down on one knee, placing her hand on the dirt-covered ground before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. She felt around for any vibrations, which is something she proved to excel at. Her eyes snapped open as the vibrations reached her fingertips, feeling the presence of 6 people. She slowly stood up, walking over to the wall in front of her and looking at it with curiosity. So that's what was going on, huh? She placed her hand against the wall, watching as it phased through as if it was water. She was right, the wall was a decoy. There must be a demon here that was able to put up protective barriers like this, since some demons had something called a Blood Demon Art. A special power the demon holds to enhance their overall abilities.

She hesitantly stepped through, her muscles immediately tensing at the scene. In front of her, was a large house covered in dust and one of the two demons she sensed earlier standing in front of it. It seemed the girl demon had a great amount of strength, using temaris to throw them around and fight at long-distance combat. Once the dust subsided, Amaya could see inside the house since a large hole opened it up. Inside, a familiar green and black haori was spotted, the boy from earlier holding his demon sister tightly in his grasp. He didn't seem to notice her yet, so that could give Amaya some sort of advantage. She noticed the female demon preparing to throw her temari again, so Amaya quickly shot into action.

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