Chapter 24

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When Amaya said they'd kick some demon ass, she really did not expect that demon to be anyone other than that shrill belt demon. Let alone Nezuko, Tanjiro's cute demon sister. When the duo arrived in a broken down building, Nezuko was already barely able to be stopped, charging at innocent humans with hunger. Amaya gasped when Tanjiro was quick enough to lock his sheathed sword in between her jaws, keeping her from biting anyone.

He pulled her to the floor, wrapping his legs around her waist from behind so she'd calm down, but she really wouldn't. She looked like she was finally hungry for blood, a large horn having grown out of her forehead and her body even bigger than she usually was. Plant symbols were littered all across her skin, and from the feel of it, Nezuko was anything but happy. "Amaya! I could use some... help here!" Amaya snapped from her thoughts as she looked over at Tanjiro, who was still trying his best to keep Nezuko down.

She turned towards the bystanders who had almost been at Nezuko's mercy, pointing towards the exit and putting a frown on her face. "Evacuate this building immediately! There's people in the square ready to help! Go!" shouted Amaya, the three women flinching at her harsh tone but doing what she said nonetheless. Once they were outside, she turned her attention to the struggling siblings, Nezuko screaming and fighting with all her might while Tanjiro yelled at her to stop.

Using her claws as a weapon, she scratched Tanjiro's ear, the boy flinching and trying to get her back to normal. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I made you fight!" screamed the boy, to which Amaya snapped out of her daze, shooting in action and jumping on top of the demon girl. She held onto the demon's wrists, straddling her to keep her steady. And dear lords was Nezuko strong. Amaya was surprised at how much pressure she needed to put on Nezuko's arms to keep them from moving, making her feel like her own arms would break in the process.

"N-Nezuko! Calm down! Listen to your brother!" shouted Amaya, but to her dismay, nothing seemed to be working. Nezuko started using her legs to try and kick Amaya in her back, growling and shouting right in her ear. A harsh bump to her back made Amaya flinch forward, groaning at the harsh kick Nezuko still managed to deliver. "I'm sorry, okay! I'm sorry I took you from your box! I shouldn't have! Please, calm... down!" pleaded Amaya, but yet again, it was futile.

"It hurt didn't it?! I know you suffered! I'm sorry! But it's alright now! I won't let anyone hurt you anymore!" shouted Tanjiro desperately, Nezuko having closed her eyes as she focussed on trying to bite though Tanjiro's blade. "Go to sleep, Nezuko! Go to sleep and heal yourself!" tried Tanjiro again, but Nezuko seemed to have had enough. She slammed her forehead against Amaya's nose, the girl gasping as her own head was snapped backwards.

She lost her balance because of the painful hit, giving Nezuko the chance she needed to turn the tables and pushing Amaya over to straddle her instead. The demon slayer was quick to understand, grabbing onto Nezuko's wrists again as the demon tried to hit her. Amaya struggled against Nezuko's strong grip, happy that Tanjiro was there to at least keep her from biting her in any case. But Nezuko was totally out of control, and knowing that if Tanjiro wasn't there, Nezuko would have bitten her, wasn't a comforting thought.

In a rage, Nezuko decided to try and stand up, placing her foot right in the middle of Amaya's abdomen, pressing down on her stomach wound in the process. Amaya couldn't keep herself from screaming out in pain, releasing Nezuko's wrists on instinct and giving the demon just the time she needed to jump up and through the roof, taking Tanjiro with her. Amaya gasped as she rolled on her side, clutching her wound as her eyes closed in agony. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Her entire body was shaking from the burning feelings that spread through her, but she wasn't done yet.

Slowly crawling to her feet, she listened intently to the horrid screams of a bloodthirsty Nezuko, spotting a set of stairs on the other side of the room. She limped towards it, keeping a steady hand on her stomach at the same time and sprinting up the stairs. It didn't take her long to find Nezuko on her hands and knees, still trying to snap Tanjiro's sword while the boy kept shouting at her to calm down again and again.

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