Chapter 26

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I'm cutting out some parts of episode 10 here, since I have to write Amaya's plot as well! Don't worry, the fight will still be here, but with my own little twist. So even if you already know how the fight goes, I suggest you read through it :)


It was so warm.

It was so soft.

It was so quiet.

It was so peaceful.

Why was it so ethereal?

Where was she?

Why did she suddenly feel so at peace?

Why wasn't she suffering anymore?

Not a single feeling other than warmth overwhelmed her, forcing her to open her eyes to see it for herself. Amaya breathed in deeply, slowly fluttering her eyelids to pry them open, careful as to not strain them because of this bright light. Though it was weird. When she could finally see, all she saw was herself. But she didn't look the same as she remembered. Where did her injuries go? She remembered it as clear as day. Gyutaro, the belt demon, Uzui.

She had been pierced through her chest by Gyutaro's scythes and her eye had been cut. Why couldn't she see those wounds in her reflection. It was so bright here, not a single sound heard. She couldn't even feel a shift in air pressure. What was this place? Was she dead? Maybe this was the afterlife. There was no other option but for her to be dead. And when she looked at her reflection, where not even the old scar on her jaw was visible, she couldn't help but yearn for it.

She felt drawn to her reflection, sharp blue eyes staring endlessly into her own, her movements copied by her reflection. She turned her head to the left, her copy doing the same. She turned her head to the right, the same movements. She turned up, down, she even turned her body along with it a few times, making larger movements. This was so weird. But she loved it. After taking a good while to stare at her reflection, she noticed how this wasn't just a simple mirror.

Amaya looked up and noticed how this mirror seemed to never end, small waves floating around it as if it was a body of water, standing straight just for her to see. She was completely alone here. No demons to taunt her. No family to miss. No companions to adore and no boy to love. Just her. Was this what true ease felt like? What a calm and healing heart felt like? While it was peaceful, she didn't expect it to feel so...


It was dull, deafening even. She couldn't feel a single thing, and because of that fact, it didn't really bother her. She didn't want to smile. She didn't feel sad for her own death or for the loss of the life she could've led. The life she'd dreamed of so many times. Herself and the boy she loved, living a life of serenity. A homy life where she could cook food for them every day or wake up early to surprise her own family with breakfast in bed.

A life where she could wash their clothes and hang them up to dry outside with a soft breeze, kids of her own running and laughing in the background. A life where she wouldn't need to over think about the man she loved hugging her tightly, without a worry in the world. How badly she'd wanted a life like that instead of the one she was given in the first place. But unfortunately, in this unforgiving world, time couldn't be taken back.

She'd been staring four hours on end. Or did she simply think she was? It didn't feel as long. After a good while, her reflection stopped following her own movements. Her chest wasn't rising and falling at the same time anymore, and her eyes blinked at different times. A soft smile etched onto her reflections' face, her hand slowly reaching out to her. Take it, whispered a voice in her head. Take it and let go. So she reached for it, blinded by this brightness.

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