Back to Nigeria

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She sighed as she dropped the huge book on her bed then trudged to her favourite sofa in the living room to slouch on and sulk.

She hated her life.

She hated everything about herself that sometimes she wondered whether she was unconsciously depressed since she'd come to realise that her body works more out of instincts than of her own free will.

Well yes, most, if not all of the human body metabolism is based off hormones and nervous coordination but the ones we're supposed to control like thoughts- she doesn't.

To sum it up, she thinks without her knowledge.

She sighed as she plopped down on the sofa and unconsciously checked the time of the wall clock that hung lazily on the wall beside the coffee table in the apartment.

Her mother worked two jobs to make ends meet. It wasn't easy for them, she and her mother.

"Four thirty" She muttered quietly.

Her mother would be back thirty something minutes from now and would force her to talk about her day, what she learnt, where she stopped in that new biology textbook she started.

She groaned quietly at the mere imagination of the questions that her mum would dump on her. Was this laziness then? Is that why she wasn't even willing to open her eyes and listened to the quiet and not get her phone out and play crazy music to dance to.

She nodded in agreement with the thought she managed to capture. She was lazy.

She yawned and stretched her limbs cracking one lid open when the heard the handle of the door to the apartment move.

The apartment was okay doesn't mean floorboards don't groan or door hinges creak.

Her both eyes were now open when she saw her mum, glancing between her mum's petite frame to the clock confused by why her mum got in early.

She raised an eyebrow at Susanna when the said lady plopped down on the single sitter sofa few feet from her. It was a small apartment.

"Why are you home early?" She asked bluntly eyeing her mum keenly

Funny fact was that no matter how many times she called Susanna mother in her head, she just couldn't bring herself to call her that aloud. The said woman would probably burst into tears, the laughter and ask her what was for dinner

But nevertheless, Susanna was home
A knock on the door startled the duo- hers longer than Susanna's because soon after, Susanna was laying down two boxes of pizza and soda

'This bribery of some sorts?' She wondered still staring at Susanna.

"Well, I quit" Susanna started after swallowing the bite of pizza she was chewing.

"What? Why?" She asked seating straight ignoring the smell that tickled her nose and made her stomach growl.

"Both my jobs, I quit" Susanna said, pointedly ignoring her question.

"Why?" She gritted narrowing her eyes at the relaxed Susanna who was taking another bite from the slice of pizza in her hand.

"Because I've decided were going home" Susanna finally answered.

She looked at Susanna in confusion.

"Home? Where?" She asked when her thoughts couldn't form a reasonable string of thought to the fact that her mum quit both jobs that were their source of income and here she was talking about home- the same one they're living in?

"We're going back to Nigeria" Susanna said over a mouthful.

'Nigeria? How are we going back to Nigeria?' She thought confusedly.

She knew she was a pure Nigerian blood, because both her parents are from Nigeria.

Yes, she might understand why they left Nigeria so abruptly, in fact, she didn't have any memory from her time back in Nigeria, all her memory started her in Chicago, but it was a strong knowing that she wasn't half-caste

Was she born here? That she doesn't know.

She had never seen her birth certificate. Well, that was because she never did find the need for it. She was a citizen of America right? Because she was sure she'd spent full on eight years on their soil from where her memory started.

She sighed

Maybe she didn't like thinking consciously because the ten thousand thoughts piling in her head was starting to give her a headache

"Can I have one of those?" She murmured instead.

Susanna nodded almost unsure especially at the question she asked instead. She knows why.

From a young age of eight, she was never one to voice out question upon question when confused about something rather, she'd keep quiet and let her mind work it out then ask relevant questions to fill the gap her mind couldn't fill.

She leaned down from where she sat to where Susanna dumped the pizza and grabbed one.

"When are we leaving then?" She asked curiously even though she was sure it came out like 'ven r ve weaving hen'

Susanna shook her head, disgust written on her face quite clearly

She offered Susanna a pained smile as she attempted to chew the food in her mouth reprimanding herself for having to stuff her cheeks to the point that they hurt.

"Tomorrow actually" Susanna answered with a smile.

Her eyes widened at Susanna's answer.

'TOMORROW!!' Her thoughts screeched

She swallowed painfully before screeching loudly.


Susanna winced.

"Why?" She asked more calmly but Susanna looked away, her expression pained.

"I'd tell you once we are on the plane" Susanna offered instead.

She gave Susanna a deadpanned look.

There was absolutely no one she would miss here, well except for Father Stephen who came by their place once every week to check up on her.

She was sure that it was the members of the Catholic church, she and Susanna attended, that told the father to be checking on her to make sure she was actually taken care off.

He would have stopped coming but she was sure that a point came when he started to enjoy the visits and it grew on them.

"Would I at least say goodbye to Father Stephen?" She murmured looking down at her fingers

She was finally going to find out what happened to her, what Susanna was keeping from her. And what better place than the place it all started?

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