15. the sacrifice

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The next day Elijah, Lena and Klaus went to the Salvatore Boarding House to tell them that Elena has to make a blood donation every month.

Before either of the Salvatore brothers could protest, Klaus threatened them that he could just kidnap Elena and be done with it. That immediately shut them up and both of them agreed.

Lena later than talked to Jenna about the topic, even when she doesn't want her niece to be sacrificed, she is glad that she will come back to life.

Lena even offered Jenna, that over the summer she could stay at their house in Hawaii and have a break of this awful town, so she can finish her studies there.

After talking with Elena and Jeremy they all agreed that she deserves a time out from all the supernatural that is happening in town, since the Gilbert siblings still got Alaric and he doesn't have a problem with that. So Jenna is officially going to Hawaii and enjoy her life.

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It's only the morning but Klaus is very excited, especially that he is now invited in the Marshall's household.

He is able to hear the strong heartbeat from his soulmate and he loves the sound of it.

After the ancient vampires talked with the Salvatore's, Lena decided to invite them to her house, knowing that Klaus is very eager to see Melody.

Right now they are all sitting in the living room, enjoying their drinks.

Hayley is making her way downstairs, in a pair of pj pants and a top. As she sees Klaus she immediately grows annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hayley snaps.

You could clearly hear that she doesn't want him to be here or anywhere near her sister.

"Isn't it enough for you that you are going to meet my twin sister at the sacrifice and you are going to run together as wolves?"

She doesn't want him here. It was supposed to be twin-time now, without Klaus.

Upstairs Melody is slowly waking up after hearing shouting from downstairs and feeling that her sister is totally upset.

The others are too stunned to speak.

Hayley's eyes are glowing amber, feeling furious about his presence but also with the full moon approaching, her feelings and senses are more intense.

Elijah wants to make a move to her, wanting to ease of the tension but after receiving a stern look from Lena he keeps his mouth shut.

Lena knows that her daughter is upset that Klaus might steal her sister away. She prays that Melody is coming downstairs any second because she is the only one that can calm her.

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