New Years Eve And Day Events

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Annabeths POV

It was New Years Eve And I had a bowl of chips with dip set up along with some snacks while Percy got the boys ready for tonight. We decided that once it was 9 we would put the kids to bed then when it would be 11 45 we would have it just be Percy,Jason,Piper,Hazel,Frank,Nico,Thalia,Calypso,Leo,and I.

We had finished setting up the games when Jason and Piper showed up. I told them to just relax and make themselves at home. I ran to the twins room to find Leo dressed in overalls crawling across the rug chasing the puppy and Luke crying because Percy had messed his little bit of blond hair up. I walked over to Leo picked him up and cradled him in one arm and held the little puppy in the other. Percy fixed Luke's hair and gave him his baby blue ocean themed binky and that made Luke quiet down really quickly. I walked into the living room to find all our friends there along with Poseidon,Athena,Sally,Paul,Rachel,Grover,and Juniper. Sally ran over to Leo picked him up and started playing peek a boo with him while Juniper and the other girls played with Luke and the puppy never left Leos side and when ever Sally would make Leo laugh the puppy would start barking with joy. Percy and I went to the middle of the living room and started dancing to the music that was blaring and everybody else joined in.

Time laps by 2 hours

Percys POV

Everybody left except our friends. We were playing truth or dare when I heard Leo wail and went upstairs to check on him I walked in the room to find a hooded woman picking him up and I yelled at the woman while drawing Riptide

"Get the Hades out of here!" At this the puppy and the 7 along with Calapso went to the doorway of the twins room and gasped at what they saw and I saw Annabeth put her cap on and go invisible. She was probably about 3 feet from Leo when the woman kicked her in the face I screamed and rushed the woman she pulled out a rust dagger and held it up to Leos throat. I stopped dead in my tracks and asked the woman who she was she pulled her hood back to reveal that it was Reyna! I gasped and asked her why she was doing this she said

" Because you left me for this little blonde Bitch and Jason left me for that Cherokee girl! I have no one."

Rose had shown up to play truth or dare with us but as soon as soon she saw the scene she ran away with Reyna yelling

"Coward !!"

Time laps by 5 mins

Percys POV

I saw a person move in the yard through the window in the kids room and I felt curious but I didn't dare look away from my sons for more then 5 seconds. Just as Reyna had e

had enough waiting she brought her dagger up ready to stab my son and we all screamed

"Noooooooo!" Then the next thing that happened was unbelievable Rose jumped through the window slamming her feet onto Reynas back propelled off her did a somersault then stabbed her in the chest. I couldn't believe what had just happened and as Reynas lifeless body fell to the ground Rose grabbed Leo and then I heard the Grandfather clock strike 12 and Rose said

"Who's the coward now?"

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