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Roses POV

I Couldn't believe that I was related to Annabeth and I was already an aunt! I asked Annabeth if I could play with the twins and babysit them while her and Percy could go to a movie or something. She agreed. I was so excited.

Time laps 5 hours after Roses suggestion

Roses POV

"Ok guys I'm in charge and its time for fun!" I said to the two babys in their crib staring at me intently. I took them out of their crib and got some blocks out for them and they built a tower and I helped but then the puppy ran through the entire tower knocking it down causing the twins to cry.

"Please don't cry." I said " How about we build it again but this time we build a fortress around it?" I asked them. They seemed to ponder at this. For baby's they sure we're smart. They started building again and this time it looked like a type of castle and this time no tears were shed and no blocks tumbled down. It was 8pm Percy and Annabeth would be home in an hour so I decided to read to the twins they fell asleep on the first paragraph. I'm not that I? I put them to bed and I decided to lie on the couch and I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I hit the couch and fell asleep. I woke to the smell of pancakes. So I got up and walked into the kitchen to find Percy making blue pancakes and I said "Hi" which surprised him which led to a pancake on the ceiling." Oops." Was all he said and the pancake landed on his head. I laughed at this. I noticed no one else was up and Percy said "we appreciated that you babysat last night Dam" "No problem." I walked to the table and sat down with a plate of pancakes and orange juice and when I finished I said "Rose" "What?" Percy asked confused "Rose,my name is Rose I go by Dam but you guys can call me Rose since technically your family." "Ok thank you." "Rose." My name that i never told anybody. I finally have a family. People who I can trust. People who care. My new family.

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