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Annabeths POV

I couldn stop saying I love you too my son's, Luke was crying and Leo was confused as to why he was crying and Percy tried to calm them down by making silly faces it only worked until we were out the door and Sally and Rose would have a time to calm them down. I just couldn't wait until we got to the peace and quiet of wherever it is Percy is taking us we got an airplane and I decided to take a nap.

Percys POV

We just finished looking at the architecture in Greece and Annabeth was so excited and when it was 8 o'clock we decided to go to bed in our hotel room and we fell asleep snuggling close to each other.

Time laps to 10 o'clock at the hotel outdoor pool.

Annabeths POV

I was relaxing on my lounge chair when a young man about 20 and muscular came over and sat in Percys seat then started flirting with me. Percy came over and the man said "What do you want?" "Your sitting next to that woman?" "Yeah.So what?" "Well news flash buddy see that ring?" "Yeah. So what it's just a beautiful ring what's it to ya?" "Well it seems that you don't understand. You see I gave her that ring as a symbol of love and you do realize that that love is marriage. So either we get in a fight and me and my wife go home from our honeymoon early and have to explain to our sitter why we came home early and I can go see my to baby boys. Or you can walk away and leave us alone.You decide." The young man looked scared so he ran off and went up the stairs to his room. "Percy you didn't have to scare the crap out of him." "Well I had fun doing it." Percy said. I just smiled then rolled my eyes as response to this Percy grabbed me and threw me in the pool and he came in right after me. We stayed under for only five minutes but we both shared our air in the most passionate kiss I'd ever had.

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