Carnival Day (Special Chapter)

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a/n: Since I took so long with updating this story, I wanted to gift you guys with a special chapter for fun! It's just until I get the next episode done!

Marie Pov:

I sigh and pack up my bag as the school bell rings. Today was the longest day ever. No akuma attacks, Alya was absent and so was Nino and I basically sat in silence all day because I was too nervous to talk to Adrien. There was a carnival going on at the park that everyone at school was raving about. It looked like the entire class was going, but since Alya wasn't there, I didn't feel like going alone.

As I began to walk towards the door, Adrien stopped me as I walked in front of his desk. "Hey Marie!" I smile shyly. "Hi Adrien!" He gets up to walk next to me. "So...did you hear about the carnival? Everyone's been talking about it all day." I hug my books to my chest in an attempt to calm my speeding heart. "Y-yeah I heard. Seems like everyone is going." The blonde smiles. "Are you?" We begin walking out towards the main floor of the school. "I wasn't planning on it." He stops and stands in front of me with an excited grin on his face. "Maybe we could go together! I-I mean if you want to of course. I've never been to one before." He scratches the back of his neck shyly.  "Really? You've never been to one?" He looks down sadly. "You know my father...he's not known for giving me the freedom to do anything." "Is he allowing you to go to this one?"

"Nope!" My face twists in confusion. "But-" Adrien chuckles. "I told him I was going to the library to study." Wow. For someone who rarely defies his father, he seem pretty calm about this. "Aren't you nervous about your father finding out?" I ask. The blond shrugs. "I told him that I'd be doing a project."

"Wow? That's pretty rebellious!" I say amazed. "Yeah, I feel like a real teenager now!" Adrien chuckles. I laugh. "Well...In this case, I would love to go the carnival with you!" "Great! I can pick you up and we could walk together!" My heart races faster. Why does this sound like date? I's not a date, but it sounds like a date, but weren't just hanging out as friends that's all! I nod as calmly as I could. "Sounds great!" I wave goodbye to Adrien and leave the room as quickly as I could before I embarrassed myself.

As soon as I make it to my locker, Tikki peeks out my purse. "You're going out with Adrien!" She cheers! "Shh..." I put my finger to my lips. "It's just as friends!" "It's still progress!" "I know!" I sigh. "I can't wait to tell Alya!"

I practically sprint home. I greet my family and run into my room, immediately taking out my phone. I dial Alya and she immediately answers. "Firstly, Alya where we're you today?" The girl coughs which gives me my answer instantly. "I'm sick..." she says hoarsely. "Well...feel better!" I say. " l will!" She coughs. "So what did you wanna say?" " know that carnival that's in town?" "Oh yeah...I totally wanted to go with you, know." "I know, I wish we could go together too, but at least I won't be alone."

"Who you going with?" Alya asked. "Adrien..."

Alya silent. Suddenly, the girl tries to squeal but coughs again. "Sorry girl, but did I hear you right? You're going on a date with Adrien??"  I turn red. Thank goodness she can't see me. "I-it's not a date! We're just going as friends." "Sureee!" Marie could hear Alya's smirk through the phone. "Alyaaaa" I groan. "Anyways, I'm going to get some tea, have fun with Adrien!" "Bye."

We both hang up and I froze as it settled in. I'm actually hanging out one-on-one with Adrien. What would I say? What would I wear? I was freaking out and Tikki noticed. "Marie are you okay?" "I'm just a little nervous that's all. I know it's not a date, but I'll be alone with Adrien. I mean...not alone alone, but alone..."

Tikki giggles. "It's okay to be nervous Marie. He's your crush! You just have to take deep breaths and keep calm." "It's hard Tikki. Every time I even think about him, my heart races!" "All you have to do is be yourself! Be Marie! You have let go of the worries, otherwise you won't have fun!" I smile. "You're right Tikki!" I kiss her head. "Do you think you could help pick what to wear?" "Of course!" She flies around my room.

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