Randoseru-Mini Chapter

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After the events of the Eiffel Tower in Origin Pt.2:

Marie pov:

After coming home, I run straight into my parents arms. Of course they were confused to why I was hugging so intensely, but I needed this after the Eiffel Tower fight. It felt good to be in their arms. After separating, my parents go down to the bakery and my siblings do their own things. I decide to make cookies for Tikki as an apology for nearly giving her up. After baking, I bring the treat up to my room. Tikki flies into view after smelling the delicious cookies. She smiles and muzzles into my cheek and I giggle. "I made these for you Tikki. I wanted to apologize for nearly giving you away." She smiles. "Oh Marie, you didn't have to apologize." She hugs my cheek. "I forgive you, and I know how you felt. You were overwhelmed and it's okay. I probably should've talked to you more to make sure you were prepared. She kisses my cheek.

"Tikki that tickles!" "Sorry!" She giggles. I put the plate of cookies on my desk and sit on my desk chair. She sits next to plate and grabs a cookie. "These are yummy Marie!" "Thank you!" I stroke her cheek. As she eats I decide to start on my homework. Sadly, an akuma attack doesn't mean no homework. I put my reddish-pink bag on my lap. Tikki looks over and eyes it. "Your bag is really pretty Marie!" "Thanks Tikki!" I take out my books. "It's called a Randoseru. It's a backpack made from leather or synthetic leather from Japan. Mine is synthetic." "Wow! That's really cool! Did you get it in Japan?" "Yep! When we were little, my parents took me and my siblings to get one before we started school and when Thomas was old enough, he got one as well. Mine was baby pink! It's a very common backpack in Japan amongst elementary schoolers. They get the bags before their first year of school and wear it until grade six."

Tikki cocks her head to the side in confusion. "That's a long time." "Yep! They're so well made, they can last years." "So where's the one you got?" I put my bag down on my desk and open my notebook. "It's at my grandmother's home in Japan. I got this one..." I point at my bag. "When I went to visit her last year ." "So do your siblings still have theirs?" I giggle. "Yep! They still do! The twins grew out of theirs because they made the mistake of picking childish ones and Toto, since he's still young, hasn't grown out of his." Tikki giggles as well. She plops another cookie into her mouth and settles next to my notebook. "I should get started my homework." I sigh. "This sucks. I save Paris, but I still need to do school work." Tikki picks up my pencil and puts it into my hand. "Don't worry, you'll be just fine! And I'll help you!" She floats up and kisses my nose. "I'm so glad I have you Tikki." I kiss her head and start on my school work. "I'm glad to have you too Marie."


an: I hope you guys enjoyed that mini chapter! I saw Randoseru bags and thought they were so cute and I thought I'd write a chapter about Marie talking to Tikki about them. I lowkey want one! This was just something to go before the next chapter. See you guys! Thanks for reading!

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